1466 index
nuclear waste
High Seas Convention (1958)
and 620, 889 n251
IAEA Code of Practice on the
International Transboundary
Movement of Radioactive Waste
(1990) 893 n277, 896–7
IAEA Principles of Radioactive Waste
Management (1995) 893 n277,
897 n302
Safety of Spent Fuel and Radioactive
Waste Management Convention
(1997) 893 n277, 897 n302
nuclear weapons
absence of prohibition 1188–9
balance of terror and 43
CIS 1291
crimes against humanity and 317
environmental protection and 793
international law, effect on 43
Iran 1247
legality 99 n112, 889
non-proliferation obligations: see
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
outer space 545
regional treaties 610 n297
right to life and 317
self-defence, right to (UNC 51) and
99 n112, 1142–3
UNHRC General Comment 6
and 317
Nuremberg Charter (1945)/Tribunal
aggression 400, 439
annexation of territory, effect
composition 399–400
conspiracy and 399
crimes against humanity and 399,
400, 436
crimes against peace and 399, 400
as customary international law 400
heads of state and 735
individual criminal responsibility 46,
399–401, 669, 735, 1200
superior orders defence 400
UNGA resolution 95 (I) and 400
universal jurisdiction 669–70
war crimes and 399, 400, 434–5
website 1339
see also ACHR (1969); Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights,
Inter-American Protocol (1985);
Forced Disappearances of Persons,
Inter-American Convention on
(1994); IAComHR, IACtHR;
To r t u r e Co n vention
(Inter-American) (1985); Women,
Inter-American Convention on the
Prevention, Punishment and
Eradication of Violence Against
American Declaration on Indigenous
Peoples 300
as collective security system 1292
collective self-defence and 1291–2
establishment (1948) 1291–2
EU powers distinguished 1292
Haiti, involvement in 1275–6
Helms-Burton legislation, Judicial
Committee Opinion on 693–4
immunities 1319 n169
Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal
Assistance (Rio Treaty) 1291–2
mediation 1019 n42
object and purpose 47, 1290
Pan American Union and 1291
Privileges and Immunities of the OAS
Agreement (1949) 1319 n169
recognition of states and 451, 458
as regional arrangement (Chapter
VIII) 1274 n343, 1275–6
structure and organisation 1292
treaty status 389
website 1340
OAS Charter (1948) 1291–2
American Declaration of the Rights
and Duties (1948) and 382, 389,
dispute settlement provisions 1030
Protocolsamending 381 n219, 1292
recognition of states, legal effects