index 1499
UN State Immunity
Convention 720–1, 724–5
state immunity, entitlement
Duff Development case 704
EEC 734–5
federal states and 709, 733–5
‘foreign state’ 704, 728–35
government departments
heads ofstate:see heads of state
political subdivision 709
recognition of state or government,
dependence on 453, 454, 455, 471,
‘state’ 709
state agencies/instrumentalities/
entities: see state agencies/
instrumentalities/entities, state
immunity entitlement; state
status as for state immunity
state-owned ships 148–9, 703–4,
‘terrorist states’ 685 n197, 715–16
warships 699
State Immunity, European Convention
on (1972)
federal states and 733
immunity from execution 744
immunity as rule subject to
exceptions 707 n56, 708 n61
tortious proceedings 727
State immunity, European Tribunal in
matters of 707 n56, 744–5
state immunity, exceptions
employment contracts: see
employment contracts, state
immunity inrelationto
immovable property in the forum
state, action related to 723, 728,
766 n382
property taken in violation of
international law 728 n168
state immunity from
execution/attachment 744–8
burden of proof 743
central bank assets 745
classification of act for purposes of:
see state immunity, classification of
connection between property and
entity in proceedings, need
for 744–5
embassy bank account and 746–8,
European Convention on State
Immunity (1972) and 744
‘property’ 745
property taken in violation of
international law 745 n262
purpose of property to be seized,
relevance 744–8, 762
state immunity from jurisdiction
distinguished 744, 745–6
UK State Immunity Act 745
UN State Immunity Convention
(2004) and 744
US Foreign Sovereign Immunities
Act 1976 745–6
state immunity from
execution/attachment, waiver
arbitration clause/agreement 744
by international agreement 744
contractual provision 744
pre-judgment attachment 742
waiver of immunity from jurisdiction
distinguished 740, 744
written consent, need for 745
state immunity from
jurisdiction 677–742
civil and criminal jurisdiction
distinguished 718
classification of act for purposes of:
see state immunity, classification of
act for purposes of
customary international law
state immunity from jurisdiction,
procedural matters
due process/right to a remedy
and 716–17
service of process 749
state immunity from jurisdiction,
theories of
absolute immunity 701–4