1518 in dex
transformation doctrine 139, 141–8
definition 141
eclipse by incorporation
doctrine 141–8
ratification of treaties and 139
transit passage: see innocent passage;
landlocked states, access to the sea,
rightof(UNCLOS 125); straits
(transit passage)
Tr anskei, independence/recognition
of 202–3
Tr ansnational Corporations, UN
Commission on
see also multinational private
companies; multinational public
draft Code of Conduct 250
establishment 1213 n42
travaux pr´eparatoires (VCLT 32)
as aid to interpretation 155–6, 917,
921 n91, 935
confirmatory role 935 n158
ECHR 917
non-participants in negotiations
and 935 n158
Tre aty o f Ve rs ailles (1919) 935 n158
travel and identity documents, UN
Council for Namibia and 248
travel restrictions as retorsion 1128
treason, jurisdiction 663, 667
treaties 902–55
in the ancient world 14, 16
conventions governing: see
International Organisations,
Vienna Convention on Treaties
between States and (1986); Treaty
Succession, Vienna Convention on
(1978); Vienna Convention on the
Law of Treaties (1969)
function 902–3
natural law and 25
non-retroactivity: see non-
retroactivity principle (treaties)
recognition of states and 463
special treaty-regimes 67
succession: see treaty succession
websites 1334, 1337
treaties, amendment and modification
(VCLT 39–41) 930–2
accession to treaty after
amendment 931
amendment and modification
distinguished 930
by subsequent treaty (VCLT 30) 932
jus cogens rule and 931–2
multilateral treaties (VCLT 40) 931–2
non-derogable provisions and 931–2
oral or tacit amendment 931
procedure 931–2
treaty provision for 931
UN Charter 931, 1207–8, 1209
treaties, applicable law
customary international law 93 n91,
forum state law 165
treaties, application (VCLT 28–30)
926–30, see also erga omnes
in case of armed conflict 904 n9, 946,
952 n225, 1126 n37
co-existence of treaty and customary
law 85–6, 87–8, 96–7, 555, 586–7,
591–5, 596–7, 599, 601 n243,
605–6, 716–17, 752, 928–9, 984,
990, 1132, 1167–8, 1187–8
colonial application clauses 926
conflict between UN Charter and
other treaty obligations (UNC
103) 127, 927, 1025, 1183 n79,
1236, 1270, 1274
entirety of party’s territory (VCLT
29) 926
erga omnes obligations 275, 930
extension to newly acquired
territory 971
extraterritorial/territorial 273, 322,
non-retroactivity (VCLT 28) 926
provisional application 632–3
successive treaties (VCLT 30) 476,
637–8, 927–8, 931–2
treaties by category 94
administrative agreements 151
boundary/territorial treaties 151,
162, 495–8, 528–9, 967–70,
Bryantreaties (commissions of
inquiry) 1020