1536 index
use of force prior (cont.)
humanitarian intervention 270, 1155
just war 1110–20
League of Nations and 1121–2,
as means of asserting rights or
punishment 1121
proportionality 1120
reprisals 1121, 1122, 1123
self-defence, right to and 1017
use of force (UNC 2(4)) 1123–8, see also
aggression; blockades; boycotts;
collective use of force (Chapter
VII); collective use of force other
than under Chapter VII; economic
sanctions as response to threat to
or breach of the peace (UNC 41);
humanitarian intervention by
states; intervention in the affairs of
another state, justification;
intervention in the affairs of
another state, prohibition; regional
arrangements for the maintenance
of international peace and security
(UNC Chapter VIII); reprisals
Chapter VII action 1123–4
colonial domination and 807
as customary international law 1123
Declaration on Armed Intervention
in the Domestic Affairs of States
(1965) 1127
Declaration on the Enhancement of
the Effectiveness of the Principle of
Refraining from the Threat or Use
of Force (1987) 1123 n24
Declaration on Principles of
International Law (1970)
and 1123–5
‘force’ 1124–6, see also ‘force’ (UNC
2(4)), classification as
as general principle of law 1123–4
humanitarian intervention by
states 155–8
independence of states and 1123
as jus cogens/peremptory norm 126
non-recognition policy and 469
protection of nationals
abroad 1143–5, see also protection
of nationals abroad, use of force
retorsion 1128–9
self-defence, right to (UNC 51)
and 4–5, 1123–4, see also
self-defence, right to (UNC 51)
self-determination, right to 1123,
territorial acquisition and 502
territorial integrity and 468, 1123,
use or threat of force (general)
consensus, need for 1118, 1139 n99
validity of treaties and (VCLT
52) 500, 502, 942–4
Angola, intervention in 1150
Arctic claims 535
Baltic states and: see Baltic states
civil and political rights 268–9
CoE and 347 n8
deep sea mining 630
economic and social rights 268–9
EEZ 584
Gulf War and 1253 n246
Helsinki Final Act (1975) and 373
human rights in 50, 268–9, 278–9
human rights treaties and 269
ICJ and 269 n18
India–Pakistan Dispute (1965),
mediation 1018
individuals, status in international
law 46–7, 268–9
Innocent Passage, Uniform
Interpretation of the Rules of
International Law Governing
(1989) 573–4
international law and 8, 31–8
international relations, approach
to 35, 36
League of Nations and 30–1, 33
lump sum settlements 840–1
outer space, control of
information 551
peaceful co-existence and 33–6, 215,
perestroika and glasnost 36, 1209
recognition by UK 460, 472–3
recognition by USA 162, 465, 483
recognition of government
(1921/1924) 460
rule of law and 36
sacred trust concept 251