1524 index
treaty succession (cont.)
territorial regimes/servitudes, treaties
creating 539–40, 969–70, 979–80
treaty monitoring bodies, role 983–4
UNCHR resolution 1994/16 983–4
UNHRC General Comment 26
(continuity of obligations) 983
unilateral declarations, effect 967,
United Arab Republic 972 n92, 973
Tre aty S uccession, Vienna Convention
on (1978)
see also the table of treaties
boundary treaties 529 n234, 969
cession ofterritory 973
conciliation 1023–4
conclusion/entry into force 959
continuity in absence of agreement to
contrary 980–1
customary international law and 976
date of succession 959
decolonised territories 975, 977–9
dispute settlement 1015 nn22
and 23, 1023–4
international organisations,
definition 1295–6
leases and servitudes 538
merger of states 971–2
‘newly independent states’ 975–6,
977–9, 990
stability of treaty relationships 975–6
tribes, status 216–17, 264, 503, 525
Tr ie pel, H. 29–30, 131
Tr ie st e 230–1
Tr inidad and Tobago
death penalty 320
drug-trafficking, proposal for
international court 410
UNHRC interim measures,
non-compliance 320
Troika (OSCE) 1289
Tr um an P roclamation (1945) 585,
trust territories
classification as 1214
individual petition, right of 225, 245
international legal personality 224–8
Racial Discrimination Committee
and 313–14
self-determination, right to 225
strategic trust areas, Security Council
responsibility for 1209, 1214
Tr usteeship Council 1214
Pacific Islands Trust Territory
and 224, 225
suspension of operation (1994) 1214
trusteeship system
individual petition, right of 225, 245
mandate system and 224, 225–6, 277
as ‘sacred trust of civilisation’ 277
truth and reconciliation commissions
272, see also amnesty laws
tuna fisheries
conventions relating to 624 n356,
628 n367, 637–8
sustainable development and 870
Tunkin, G. I. 32–5, 81, 91, 94, 99, 196,
215, 216, 268
Turkey, C oE Tor ture Committee
and 363 n115
Turk me nistan, EU Guidelines (1991)
and 451–2
Tuv al u 199, 208 n52
aDeclaration (1976) 552
intervention in the Congo 1264–5
referral of Lord’s Resistance Army
situation to ICC 413
treaty succession and 958 n6
Antarcticclaims 535–6
as archipelagic state 566
BITs 838–9
British Antarctic Territory 536
continental shelf 588
Council of Europe and 140
criminal law jurisdiction 663–4
deep sea mining 630, 631
diplomatic premises and 463 n79,
Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities
in the UK Memorandum 767
diplomatic protection 188, 811–12,
814, 818
ECHR during belligerent occupation
(Military Manual) 1183