1490 index
security, right to: see liberty and security
of person, right to; national
security; peace and security, right
security zones 584
sedentary species 589, 624 n356
Selden, John 24
self-defence, right to (UNC
51) 1131–47
acquiescence and 1137
against embassy abroad,
sufficiency 1134
against irregular forces 1135–6
anticipatory or pre-emptive 1137–40
armed attack, need for 1133–40, see
also ‘armed attack’
attacks by non-state entities 1134–7
burden of proof 1133, 1135
Chatham House Principles on
International Law on the Use of
ForceinSelf-Defence 1137 n94
collective self-defence: see collective
self-defence (UNC 51)
customary international law and 97,
793, 1132, 1137 n94, 1139
determination of legality,
responsibility for 4–5
diplomatic premises, inviolability
and 576–7
Entebbe incident 680, 1144
Falklands War 1146
high seas during armed conflict
and 611
independence of states and 212
inherent right 1131–2, 1136, 1137
Institut de Droit International
resolution (2007) 1139 n103, 1140
necessity 1131, 1134 n80, 1140–1
no-fly zones and 1254–5
nuclear weapons and 99 n112,
proportionality 1131, 1134 n80,
1139, 1140–3, 1188
report to Security Council, need
for 1143
SC resolution 502 (1982) 1146
SC resolution 661 (1990) 1147 n149
SC resolutions 1368 (2001) and 1373
(2001) 1136
state responsibility and 793
terrorism and 1135–7
UN arms embargo and 1269
US operations in Afghanistan 1136–7
use of force (UNC 2(4)) and 4–5,
1123–4, 1131–47
self-defence, right to (UNC 51),
1967 Israel–Arab War 1138
Caroline 1131, 1139–40, 1145
Congo v. Uganda 1135–6
Construction of a Wall 1135
Legality of Nuclear Weapons 99 n112,
1141, 1142
Nicaragua 1132, 1134–5, 1138–9,
1140–1, 1147
Oil Platforms 1141, 1142
self-determination, right to 251–7
19th century and 28
Aaland Islands 200–1, 251–2
ACHR 20 290, 392
associations of states 238–9
AU and 256
boundary disputes and 524
in case of foreign occupation 523
CIS and 241
civil wars and 1148
as collective right 281, 292
Colonial Declaration (UNGA
resolution 1514 (XV)) 40, 115–16,
252–3, 255, 256, 522–3
as criterion of statehood 198
customary international law,
whether 254
Declaration on Principles of
International Law (1970) 116,
252–3, 256, 290, 522, 526, 1148
decolonisation process and 40, 252–3
definition 256–7
democratic governance and 292–3
economic self-determination, right
to 40, 293
effective government, required
standard 205–6
as erga omnes obligation 125, 255
EU Guidelines on Recognition of
New States (1991) and 207