index 1453
MARPOL Convention (1973) 621,
Oslo Dumping Convention
(1972) 621, 895
Paris Convention on Marine
Pollution from Land-Based Sources
(1986) 621, 872, 875, 894, 895
Preparedness, Response and
Co-operation Convention
(1990) 870–1, 900
Prevention of Pollution of the Seas by
Oil (1954) 621
UNCLOS 621–3, 875, 898 n314, 899
marine resources
see also seabed resources (UNCLOS,
Part XI)
as common heritage of
mankind 554–5
conservation obligations and
rights 572
fishing zones and 581
freedom of the high seas doctrine,
impact on 554–5
international law, role 48
landlocked states and 608
marine scientific research
dispute settlement 636
EEZ 582, 583 n134
high seas 609, 610
innocent passage and 572
seabed resources distinguished 629
maritime delimitation 590–607, see also
baselines; continental shelf;
Continental Shelf Convention
(1958), customary international
law and
3-mile and 12-mile territorial sea
limits distinguished 592
access to fish stocks 600, 602, 606
agreement, need for 590–1, 595–6
coastal configuration 596–7, 598,
604, 606
coastal lengths 597, 598, 599, 605,
customary international law in
relation to continental shelf and
EEZ, relevance 601
defence arrangements and 602
delimitations involving opposite and
adjacent coasts distinguished 591,
592, 600
dispute settlement 637, 640 n443
distance 597
distributive justice, exclusion 107
n159, 108, 597
economic position of two
states 597–8
equidistance/special circumstances
principle 85–6, 107 n154, 591–5,
599, 600, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606,
equitable principles 106–8, 593–605
GCTS provisions 591, 592–5
geography askeyfactor 596, 598,
historic title and 591, 592
islands, relevance 594–5, 598, 603,
jurisprudence: see equity,
landmass 597–8
marine scientific research
considerations 602
median line 591–2, 594, 595, 597,
598, 599–600, 603
methodology 591–2, 595–6, 597,
598–9, 604–6
modus vivendi line 605–6
non-encroachment 593, 597, 598,
599, 606
non-refashioning of nature 107, 597,
oil resources and 602, 606
practice of parties 606–7
proportionality 593, 597, 598, 599,
601, 603, 604
security considerations 600, 606
single continental shelf and fishing
zone/EEZ boundary 595–6, 601–4
‘special circumstances’ and ‘relevant
circumstances’, relevance 599 n234
territorial sea 591–2
UNCLOS provisions 591–2, 595–605
uti possidetis principle and 591
maritime law: see law of the sea
Maroua Declaration (1975),
validity 134, 914