index 1429
UNCHR working group on 299, 308
Vienna Declaration and Programme
of Action (1993) 280
Vo lu ntary Fund 299
Working Group 299
individual criminal responsibility
397–443, see also international
criminal courts and tribunals;
Nuremberg Charter (1945)
aggression 402, 439, 671
aiding and abetting the planning,
preparation or execution of
crimes 404
apartheid 401, 402
civilian property in time of conflict,
destruction 1200
command responsibility 399, 402,
408, 443 n229
conspiracy 399
crime against the UN 402
crimes against humanity 46, 399,
402, 671
crimes against peace 399, 402
Crimes against the Peace and Security
of Mankind, ILC Draft Code
(1996) and 401, 439 n226, 671
crimes against UN and associated
personnel 402, 671
cruel and inhuman treatment 401
currency offences 399
customary international law and 405,
deportation or transfer of protected
persons (GC IV, 49) 1200
development of concept 397–9
drug trafficking 399
East Timor Special Panels for Serious
Crimes 425
Geneva Conventions (1949) and
Protocols (1977) 401
genocide/Genocide Convention
(1948) 46, 262, 400–1, 402, 425,
439, 671
‘grave breaches’ 401–2, 403
heads ofstate 399, 409, 735
hostage-taking of civilians in time of
war 1200
ICC 411, 670
ICTR 46, 283, 408
ICTY 46, 283, 403, 404
ILC Draft Code of Offences 401,
international criminal courts and
tribunals 397
international humanitarian law
internationalised criminal courts and
tribunals 418
Iraqi HighTribunal 429
jurisdiction and: see criminal
jus cogens/peremptory norms
and 126
mitigation of punishment and 404
non-international armed conflict
and 404–5
(1945)/Tribunal 46, 399–401, 669,
735, 1200
obscene publications 399
piracy 262, 397
planning, instigation, ordering and
committing of crimes 404
position of accused person,
relevance 404, 408
prisoners of war, ill treatment 1200
punishment/penalty 404, 406, 416
SC resolutions on Somalia and
Kuwait 402
sexual offences 425
Sierra Leone Special Court 418
slave trading 397
state responsibility, effect on 402,
782, 807
submarine telegraph cables and
superior orders defence: see superior
orders defence
superior’s knowledge of subordinate’s
act and 404
To k y o Tr i bunal 46, 400
torture 401, 425, 684
treaty-defined crime under
international law, need for 398,
war crimes 262, 399, 402, 434, 439,
671, 1200
wilful killing/murder 425, 1200