index 1407
Germany, Democratic Republic of
as agent of USSR 477–8
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963)
and 471
recognition by FRG 227
recognition of government 455, 471,
477–8, 483–4, 964
recognition as state 964
USSR forces, withdrawal 965
Germany, Federal Republic of (FRG)
deep sea mining 630, 631
employment contracts, state
immunity inrelationto 726 n155
extradition ofownnationals 687
ICJ and 1073
minority languages 365 n129
nationality 661
nuclear power installations 775 n116,
890 n254
recognition by GDR 227
state immunity from
execution/attachment 746
state immunity in respect of
torture 718 n108
as successor to the Reich 964–5
treaties/municipal law
relationship 170–2
Germany, FRG–GDR unification
(1990) 208–9, 227–8, 964–6
arms/armed forces limitations 228,
assimilation of GDR 228, 965–6, 971,
Berlin State Bank, FRG’s assumption
of responsibility for 998
borders 228, 965
FRG–GDR Monetary, Economic and
Social Union Treaty (1990) 228,
state succession to public debt 998
state succession to state property
treaty succession 971, 972–3
UN membership and 1211
Unification Treaty (1990) 228,
965–6, 972–3, 992
Germany pre-1945
aggression 30–1
Czechoslovakia, invasion of 468,
Nazism 54, 294
unification (1871) 28
Germany, status post-WWII 227–8
agency of necessity 227
annexation, exclusion 227, 501
Berlin, relinquishment of Three
Powerrights and responsibilities
(1990) 228, 965
Control Council Law No. 10 400, 439
Convention on Relations between the
Three Powers and FRG (1955) 964
Final Settlement (1990) (France, UK,
USA, USSR–GDR, FRG) 228, 965
Four Power rights and
responsibilities 464–5
FRG–GDR relationship and 463 n79,
‘Germany as a whole’ 964–5
international legal personality 227–8
occupation (FRG), termination 964
peace treaty, reservation ofpowers
pending 227, 228
Polish administrative area
(Kaliningrad) 964 n45
Saarland 965 n55
suspension of Allied rights and
responsibilities (1990) 965 n54
Ghana, ILO and 340
Gibraltar, self-determination, right
to 523 n199
Gidel, A. 113, 579
‘girl-child’ 325, 332, 420 n126
glasnost 36, 46–7, 1209
Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy
(2006) 1161
Global Environmental Facility
(GEF) 846, 874, 881
global warming 845, 875–6, 878–81, see
also climate change; Climate
Change Convention (1992)
as common concern of mankind 878
greenhouse gases 878–9, 880–1
Hague Declaration on the
Environment (1989) 878
UNEP and 878
UNGA resolutions 43/53 and
44/207 878