index 1439
immunity from execution or
enforcement 1327
immunity from jurisdiction 1326
international financial institutions
and 1319 n168
inviolability of premises and
archives 776, 1326, 1327–8
jure imperii/jure gestionis distinction,
relevance 1318–19, 1326–7
Privileges and Immunities of the
Council of Europe, General
Agreement on (1949) 1319 n169
Privileges and Immunities of the
European Communities, Protocol
Concerning (1965) 1329 n169
Privileges and Immunities of the OAS
Agreement (1949) 1319 n169
reciprocity, relevance 1318–19, 1326
specialised agencies 776 n447, 1319
state immunity
distinguished 1318–19, 1326–7
UN 1319–21, see also UN, privileges
and immunities
waiver 1327
international organisations, privileges
and immunities, jurisprudence
Eckhardt v. Eurocontrol (No. 2)
and 1321 n176
FAO v. INPDAI 1321
Iran–US Claims Tribunal v.
AS 1320–1
Kukuru v. EBRD 1321
Mandaro v. WorldBank 1320
Obligation to Arbitrate case 1320
Waite and Kennedy v.
Germany 1321–2
ZM v. Permanent Delegation of the
League of Arab States to the
UN 1321
international organisations, privileges
and immunities of representatives
of states to 775–6, 1322–4
administrative and technical staff,
entitlement 776
codes and cyphers, right to use 1322
currency and exchange restrictions,
facilities relating to 1322
customary international law 1323
customs exemption 1322
diplomatic bag 761
functional test 1323
headquarters agreements
provisions 1323–4
immigration restrictions,
exemption 1322
immunity from arrest/seizure of
personal baggage 1322
immunity from civil and
administrative jurisdiction 776
immunity from criminal
jurisdiction 776
International Organisations, Vienna
Convention on the Representation
of States in their Relations with
(1975): see International
Organisations, Vienna Convention
on the Representation of States in
their Relations with (1975)
inviolability of archives, documents
and correspondence 1322
inviolability of premises 776
municipal law and 1328–9
personal baggage immunities and
facilities 1322
‘representative’ 1323 n182
tax exemption 1322
UK practice 1328
unilateral withdrawal and 1323
US practice 1328
waiver obligation 1323
international organisations,
responsibility 13, 1310–14, see also
state responsibility for
internationally wrongful act
including acts of, international
for acts of organ or agent 1312
for aid or assistance to a state or
another organisation 1312
attribution 1312
countermeasures and 1313 n141
customary international law 1311
distress and 1313 n141
force majeure and 1313 n141
ILC Draft Articles on 1295–6, 1312
international legal personality
and 1311
jus cogens/peremptory norms 1313
for lawful acts 1313