1448 index
Kosovo Regulation 64 panels
applicable law 424
composition 423–44
establishment 423
problems relating to 424
Kozhenvikov, F. I. 34
Kurds, repression by Iraq (SC 688
(1991)) 1156, 1239, 1254–5
boundary with Iraq, UN guarantee
(SC resolution 687) 521 n193,
1248, 1267
tortureand 716–17
Kuwait, Iraqi invasion of 186–7, see also
UN Compensation Commission
as act of aggression 1241 n180
Arab League and 1032
as breach of the peace 1241
collective self-defence and 1147
economic sanctions as response to
threat to or breach of the peace
(UNC 41) 4, 1243–4, 1248–50
individual criminal
responsibility 402
Iraq’s historic claim to Kuwait
and 525
non-recognition policy and 469–70,
SC resolution 660 (1990) 1241,
SC resolution 661 (1990) 1147 n149,
SC resolution 662 (1990) 1269
SC resolutions 402, 469–70, 502,
1223, 1269
state responsibility for damage arising
from (SC resolution 687
(1991)) 858 n73, 1045 n209,
Kyoto Protocol (1997) 880–1
Kyrghyzstan, EU Guidelines (1991)
and 451–2
labour rights: see ILO; work, right to;
workers’ rights
Lagash 14
LaGrand 135
lakes: see international watercourses
land law, municipal and international
law distinguished 489, 490–1
landlocked states 607–8
access to the sea, right of (UNCLOS
125) 607–8
climate change and 879
common heritage of mankind
and 607
equality of treatment in ports 608
freedom of the high seas and 610
innocent passage and 570, 608
International Seabed Authority
and 634 n399
law of the sea, role in the
development of 80
living resources, right to equitable
exploitation (UNCLOS 69(1))
seabed resources 590, 607–8
UNCLOS and 555
language, rights relating to 268, 281,
294, 297, 318, 365–6, 367, see also
Minority Languages, European
Charter for Regional or Minority
Languages (1992)
CIS Convention 378
Linguistic Rights of Minorities, OSCE
Oslo Recommendations
(1998) 376
Use of Minority Languages in the
Broadcast Media, OSCE Guidelines
(2003) 376 n192
Laos, ASEAN membership 1294
Las Malvinas: see Falkland Islands
laser weapons 1190
Lateran Treaty (1929) 244
Latin America
19th century use of force
against 1121
Andean Pact (1669) 1292 n42
asylum and 2, 27, 76–7
ECLAC (UN Economic Commission
for Latin America) 1213
independence 27
nuclear weapons, prohibition 610
regional international law 2, 27,
76–7, 92