1384 index
dispute settlement (cont.)
justiciable and non-justiciable
distinguishability 1012–13
‘legal’ dispute 1012–13
marine scientific research 636
methods 1013–14, see also
commissions of inquiry;
conciliation; conciliation
commissions; good
offices/mediation; law of the sea,
dispute settlement (UNCLOS Part
XV); negotiation as means of
dispute settlement; OSCE/CSCE
multiple methods used in
conjunction 1011–12
obligation to settle disputes by
peaceful means (UNC 2(3)) 1013
political context 1013
regional arrangements (UNC Chapter
VIII) 1024–6, see also regional
arrangements for the maintenance
of international peace and security
(UNC Chapter VIII)
reservations to treaty provisions 921
seabed resources: see Seabed Disputes
Chamber (UNCLOS 186–91)
specialised agencies and 1034–5
Tre aties between States and
International Organisations
Convention (1986) and 945–6
treaties, invalidity, termination,
withdrawal or suspension
(VCLT 65–6) 952–3
use of force, prohibition 1123
dispute settlement, agreements relating
see also law of the sea, dispute
settlement (UNCLOS Part XV)
aPact(1948) 1023, 1031
Chad–Libya Framework Agreement
on the Peaceful Settlement of the
Te rritorial Dispute (1989) 1011
Conciliation and Arbitration, CSCE
Convention on (1992) 378
European Convention for the
Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
(1957) 1023, 1032
interpretation of 936
Manila Declaration on the Peaceful
Settlement of International
Disputes (1982) (UNGA resolution
37/10) 1013 n17, 1014 nn18
and 20, 1016 n28, 1026 n78
OSCE Convention on Conciliation
and Arbitration (1992) 1033
Vienna Convention on State
Succession to State Property,
Archives and Debts (1983) 1015
Vienna Convention on Treaty
Succession (1978) 1015 nn22
and 23, 1023–4
WWI Peace Treaties 936
dissolution of states
Austro-Hungarian Empire 293, 974,
980 n131, 999
by consent 208–9
continuity of states and 209
Czech and Slovak Republic 198, 209,
980, 992–3
Denmark/Iceland Union 996 n215
extinction of territory and 208 n52
as fact 208
federal states 210, 218
gradualdissolution 959–60
illegal use of force and 208
internal upheavals and 208
Irish Free State/UK (1921) 999
legal consequences 208
Mali Federation (1960) 974, 980
Norway/Sweden Union 980
Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Federation
of (1963) 980
state practice 980
treaty succession 974, 979–81
United Arab Republic 974, 980
USSR 36, 44, 198, 207, 209,
240–1, 315–16, 345, 527,
960–2, 993
Yugoslavia (SFRY) 36, 198, 209–10,
dissolution of states, state succession
and 960–3
nationality and 1007–8
public debt 998–1001
state archives 996