index 1355
aut dedere aut judicare principle
bilateral arrangements 679
Bonn Declaration (1978) 679
Crimes against the Peace and Security
of Mankind, ILC Draft Code
(1996) 671, 1160
extradition treaties 673–9, 687
hijacking conventions 676–9
Hostages Convention (1979) 676
Internationally Protected Persons
Convention (1973) 675, 764–5
terrorist offences 1160
To r t u r e Co n vention (1984) and 674,
treaty provisions 674–9
avulsion 531
Azerbaijan 200, see also
EU Guidelines (1991) and 451–2
SC resolutions 238
territorial integrity 238
Bahrain, as archipelagic state 566
balance of interests
contiguous zone 578–9
damage to individual and
benefit 1182
EEZ 580
environment and trade/economic
development 45, 48–9, 849–51,
879, see also environmental
protection and trade/economic
development, balance
equality of law and fact 288–9
fishing zones 581
goal and means 1182
hazardous activities 861–2
human rights 281
humanitarian law and military
necessity 1178 n55, 1181–2, 1183,
1184–5, 1187
Law of the Sea Convention
(1982) 555
legitimate security interests and
human rights 1182
rights and obligations 44
sovereignty and the international
community 892
sustainable development as 870
balance of power 20, 27, 57, 1119, 1120,
1121, 1283
balance of terror 43
Baltic states
see also individual states
annexation by USSR (1940) 203, 468,
CIS and 240, 378, 1291
Climate Change Convention (1992)
and 879
declaration of independence 961–2
EU Declaration (1991) 961
EU statement on the presence of
Russian troops(1992) 214
recognition (1991) 203
resumption of statehood/dissolution
of USSR 36, 207, 209
sacred trust concept 251
state succession and 961–2
Bamako Convention on Hazardous
Waste s (1991) 806 n129, 896
Ban Ki-Moon 1215
Bandung Conference (1955) 215
Gulf War and 1253 n246
prisoners of war, treatment of
secession from Pakistan (1971) 200,
960, 1273
territorial claims 498 n58
Uniting for Peace resolution
and 1273
Bangladesh–Pakistan boundary 498
Banjul Charter (1981)
see also African Commission on
Human and Peoples’ Rights
conclusion/entry into force 391
environment rights 847
individuals, duties to state 392
non-derogation, absence of provision
for 275 n55
‘peoples’ 392
scope 391–2
self-determination, right to 290
signatories 391
Bank of International Settlement
Bantustans 202–3, 480–1, 526