1364 index
civil aviation (cont.)
(1971) 668, 674 n134,676, 677–8,
687 n213, 1160 n212, 1270
Rome Convention on Damage
Caused by Foreign Aircraft to Third
Parties on the Surface (1952) 925
To k y o C o n ve ntion on Offences
Committed on Board Aircraft
(1963) 668, 676–7, 678, 1160 n212
websites 1337
civil jurisdiction 651–2
assets in forum state and 652
civil law practice 652, 663
common law practice 663
customary international law 652
domicile as basis 647, 650, 651, 652,
habitual residence as basis 652
nationality and 663
service of writ as basis 651–2
state practice, absence 652
territorial sea 574–5
civil law systems
civil jurisdiction and 652, 663
nationality and 661
state immunity and 710–11
civil and political rights
see also ICCPR (1966)
Banjul Charter 391
definition and scope 208, 269–70
relative priority 269–70
USSR and 268–9
civil war
see also non-international armed
conflict; rebellions
in Angola 1150, 1233–4
belligerent status and 1149–51
as internal matter 1148–9
intervention in 1148–51
in Liberia 1276–7
neutrality and 1150
in Nigeria 460–1, 526, 1152 n175,
1201, 1233–4
recognition of governments and
in Rwanda 1262–3
self-determination, right to and 1148
state responsibility and 791–3
UN involvement in 1151 n163
in Vietnam 1150
civilian population during armed
conflict, protection of (GC IV and
Protocol I (Part IV)) 1176–86, see
also belligerent occupation
apartheid and 401
attack on as ‘grave breach’ 401
as basic principle of humanitarian
law 1169–70, 1184–5
Eritrea–Ethiopia Claims
Commission 1185
‘grave breaches’ against 401
indiscriminate attacks 1185
Iran–Iraq war 1185 n91
Kosovo 1185 n88
mines and booby-traps, prohibition
(Conventional Weapons Treaty
(1980)) 1189–90
non-international armed conflict
and 435, 1196
proportionality and 1184–5
Protection of CiviliansinArmed
Conflicts (SC resolution 1674
(2006)) 1184 n83
racial discrimination and 401
spreading of terror 1185
transfer or deportation 401
widespread or systematic attack
on as crime against humanity
civilian property, destruction and
appropriation (GC IV, 53)/
protection of civilian objects
(Protocol I, 52–7) 1169–70,
attack on works or installations
containing dangerous forces
(dams, dykes and nuclear
generating stations) 401, 1186
‘civilian objects’ 1186
cultural objects 1186
customary international law 1184
dual purpose objects 1184–5
as ‘grave breach’ 403, 434
Hague Convention for the Protection
of Cultural Property in the Event
of Armed Conflict (1954) 1186
individual criminal
responsibility 1200