index 1375
Banjul Charter 391
as collective right 281
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
(2000) 371
indigenous peoples 298
minorities 294, 296, 297, 366
currency counterfeiting, individual
criminal responsibility 399
currency and exchange restrictions
Bosnia and Herzegovina 380 n213
international organisations, privileges
and immunities 1328
international organisations,
representatives of states to 1322
customary international law 72–98, see
also codification and development
of international law; consent and
the formation of customary
international law; customary law;
opinio juris;regional international
law; sources of international law
(ICJ 38); state practice as source of
international law, requirements
burden/standard of proof 92
consensus and 10, 74, 93, 147 n88
definition 6
as democratic process 74
determination of existence,
responsibility for 75–6
as ‘evidence of general practice
accepted as law’ 74
as evolving process 902
flexibility 74, 78–9, 93
ILC role 120
‘instant’ 74, 78
municipal law and 166–7, 173, 174–6
positivism and 51, 75
as reflection of interests of individual
states 79–80
usage distinguished 115
customary international law as reflected
in treaties and comparable
international instruments
bilateral treaties and 97–8
co-existence of treaty and customary
law 85–6, 87–8, 96–7, 555, 586–7,
591–5, 596–7, 599, 601 n243,
605–6, 716–17, 752, 928–9, 984,
990, 1132, 1167–8, 1187–8
codification and development of
international law
distinguished 85–6, 95
Continental Shelf Convention 85–6,
87–8, 586–7, 591–5, 596–7, 599,
601 n243, 605–6
development/creation of customary
international law and 95–6, 556
Geneva Conventions (1949) and
Protocol I 1184 n87, 1187
Hague Convention IV (1899)and
Regulations (1907) 1168 n7,
Law of the Sea Convention
(1982) 556, 559, 568
opinio juris and 88–9
Racial Discrimination Convention
(1965) 286
UN Charter 929
Vienna Convention on State
Succession to State Property,
Archives and Debts (1983) 986,
987, 990, 1000
Vienna Convention on Treaties
(1969) 496, 903, 933, 948, 951
Vienna Convention on Treaty
Succession (1978) 976
customary law
see also customary international law;
regional international law
definition 72 n8
democratic nature of 74
development of 72–3
indigenous peoples 229, 299, 300
international law, relevance to 41,
local practices 92–3
municipal law, relevance in 73
customs control
consular exemption 772
contiguous zone and 578, 579, 580
cross-border jurisdiction 658
diplomatic exemption 767, 770 n413
EEZ 583, 643
international organisations, privileges
and immunities 1328
territorial sea and 570, 572
customs unions, status 202, 211–12,