1396 index
environmental protection and
international legal personality 241
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
(EAPC) 1290
Eurofima 249
Europe, human rights in 345–80
European Commission on Legal
Co-operation 119
European Committee of Social Rights
implementation of ESC and 361–2
membership and term of office 361
publication of decisions 361–2
reporting obligations 361
European Committee of Social Rights,
complaints procedure
admissibility 362
Collective Complaints 362
decisions, implementation 362
standing/locus standi 362
European Convention for the Peaceful
Settlement of Disputes (1957)
arbitration provisions 1032
conciliation provisions 1023, 1032
ICJ jurisdiction 1032
European Convention for the
Prevention of Torture and
Inhuman and Degrading
Tre atme ntorPunishment: see
To r t u r e , Eu r o p e an Convention on
European Parliament
European Parliamentary Elections
Act1978 (UK) 149
human rights and 372
status 1288
European Social Charter (1961) (as
amended) 360–2
adherents 361
complaints procedure: see European
Committee of Social Rights,
complaints procedure
delay in concluding 360–1
disabled persons, rights 361
European Committee of Social
Rights, role 361–2
family life, right to 361
gender discrimination 361 n102
NGOs and 362
partial acceptance, possibility of
poverty and 361 n104
revisions (1991/1996) 361 n104
scope 361–2
sexual harassment, protection
against 361 n104
trade union rights 361, 362
European Space Agency, website 1337
evidence: see ICJ, evidence
ex injuria jus non oritur 104–5, 468
exc`es de pouvoir 1053
Executions, Special Rapporteur on
Extrajudicial, Summary or
Arbitrary 305, 330, 1165 n236, see
also death penalty
executive certificates
conclusiveness 193–4, 471, 473,
477–8, 482, 484–5, 704
evidentiary value 481, 747
judicial review 193
matters deemedtofalloutsidescope
of 479, 480–1
non-committal position 480–1
recognition and 471, 472–3, 477–8,
scope 192–3
state immunity and 747
UK and 193–4, 471, 473, 477–8, 479,
480, 482, 704
US and 194, 471, 482, 484–5
exemplary damages 804–5
exhaustion of conciliation
procedures 1080
exhaustion of diplomatic
negotiations 1015–17, 1070
Barbados v. Trinidad and
Tob ago 1016 n24
German External Debts 1017
ILC Draft Instrument on Protection
of the Environment from Damage
Caused by Space Debris
(1994) 1016 n28
Land Reclamation case 1012–17
Legality of Nuclear Weapons 1017
North Sea Continental Shelf
cases 1016
Railway Traffic case 1016