Eng. [unguent], vb. [unguo], I smear: Ger. [enke], butter; Skr.
[áńjas], a salve, ointment.
<im->, about, also with intensive force, Ir. [im-], O.Ir. [im-], [imm-]; it
is the prefixive form of prep. [mu], q.v. Also [iom-].
[imcheist], anxiety, doubt, O.Ir. [imchesti], contentiones; from [im-]
and [cheist].
<imeachd>, journeying, <imich>, go, Ir. [imtheachd], [imthighim], O.Ir.
[imthecht]; from [im-] and [teachd], [tighinn]: <imich> is for [imthigh],
root [tig] [teig] of [tighinn], q.v.
<imisg>, a sarcasm, scandal: [*im-isc]; for [isc], see [inisg].
<imleag>, navel, Ir. [imleacan], [imlinn], E.Ir. [imbliu], acc. [imblind],
[imlec], [imlecán]: [*embiliôn-], [*embilenko-]; Lat. [umbilîcus]; Gr.
@G[o@'mfalós]; Eng. [navel]; Skr. [na@-/bhi], [nâbhîla]; I.E. [onbhelo-],
<imlich>, lick, Ir. [imlighim], [lighim]; [im-lighim]. "about-lick". With
[lighim] is cognate O.Ir. [lígim], I lick, W. [llyaw], [llyad], licking,
Br. [leat] (do.): [*leigô], [*ligo]; Lat. [lingo]; Gr. @G[leígw]; Eng.
[lick]; Ch.Sl. [lizati] (to lick); Skr. [lihati].
<imnidh>, care, diligence, Ir. [imnídhe], O.Ir. [imned], tribulatio: [*m@.bi-men-eto-],
root [men] of [menmna]. Ascoli analyses the O.Ir. as
[*imb-an-eth], root [an], breathe.
<impidh>, a prayer; see [iompaidh].
<impis], [imis], imminence, <an impis>, about to, almost, M.Ir. [imese
catha], imminence of battle, root [ved] of [tňiseach] (Stokes).
<imreasan>, controversy, Ir. [imreasán], O.Ir. [imbresan], altercatio,
[imbresnaim], I strive, W. [ymryson], contention, dispute: [*imbi-bres-],
root [bres] of M.Ir. [bressa], contentions, battles, Br., Cor.
[bresel] (from [bris], break)? Windisch suggests for Gadelic
[*imm-fres-sennim] (prep. [imm] or [im] and [fris], [frith]), from O.Ir.
[sennim], I drive, [*svem-no-], allied to Eng. [swim].
<imrich>, remove, flit, Ir. [imircim], E.Ir. [immirge], journey, expedition:
[*imbi-reg-], root [reg], go, stretch (as in [rach]). Windisch
suggests [imm-éirge], from [éirigh].
<in-], [ion-], [ionn-], a frefix of like force as Lat. [in-], used especially
before medials, liquids, and [s] ([ionn-] only before [s]), Ir. [in-], [ion-],
[inn-], [ionn-] (before [s]), O.Ir. [in-]; it is the Gadelic prep. [in],
[ind], now [an], [ann], in (q.v.), used as a prefix.
--page 213
<inbhe>, quality, dignity, rank, Ir. [inmhe], patrimony, estate, M.Ir.
[indme], rank: [*ind-med-], prep. [ind] ([ann]) and root [m@-], [med], of
[meas]? Ir. [inme], wealth, better [indme] or [indbe] (St.).
<inbhir>, a confluence of waters, Ir. [innbhear], [inbhear], E.Ir. [indber],
[inbir], [inber], W. [ynfer], influxus: [*eni-bero-s] (Stokes), from [eni]
or modern [an], in, and [bero-], stem of [beir], Lat. [fero]. The
combination is the same as Lat. [infero], Eng. [inference].
<inghean>, a daughter, Ir. [inghean], O.Ir. [ingen], Ogam [inigena]:
[*eni-genâ]; root [gen], beget (see [gin]) and prep. [an]; Lat.
[indigena], native; Gr. @G[e@'ggónc], a grand-daughter. Also
<nighean>, q.v. Lat. [ingenuus]?
<inich>, neat, tidy, lively:
<inid>, Shrove-tide, Ir. [inid], E.Ir. [init], W. [ynyd], Br. [ened]; from
Lat. [initium] ([jejunii], beginning of Lent.
<inisg> a reproach; cf. M.Ir. [indsce], O.Ir. [insce], speech: [*eni-sqiâ],
root [seq], say, as in [sgeul], q.v. Gr. @G[e@'/nispe], Lat. [inseque], say,
are exactly the same as Ir. in root and prefix.
<inn->, <ionn->, (<innt-> before [s]), prep. prefix of like force with [frith], [ri],
against, to Ir. [inn-], [ionn-], O.Ir. [ind-] ([int-] before [s]), [inn-], [in-]:
[*n@.de], Gaul. [ande-]: [*ande], from [n@.dh], Goth. [und], for, until,
O.H.G. [unt-as], until; Skr. [ádhi], up to ([n@.dhi]).
<inndrich>, originate, incite:
<inne>, a bowel, entrail, gutter, sewer, kennel (M`A.), Ir. [inne],
[innighe], M.Ir. [inne], [inde], a bowel, viscer (pl.), E.Ir. [inne],
[inde], O.Ir. [inna], d.pl. [innib], viscus, viscera: prep. [in]+?
Cf. Gr. @G[e@'\vteron], a bowel, Ger. [innere], Skr. [antaram]; also