Leer, beer, peer, veer, teem, week, fee, feek, wee, bee, meet, air, fair,
hair, chair, stair, parents, pair, spain, paint, faint, point, coin, voice, boy,
toy, coy, green, dream, brave, Fred, price, three, tree, street, teacher,
doctor, seller, reader, actor, banker, care, fare, mare, bare, rare, tear,
bear, pear, swear, wear, pure, cure, during, fire, mire, tire, here, sere,
mere, our, flour, sour, world, worm, worship, word, worthy, fate, fat, far,
fare, Pete, pet, pert, here, style, gyps, Byrd, tyre, file, fill, first, fired, tube,
tub, turn, cure, bone, lot, form, store.
²ìåííèêè â àíãë³éñüê³é ìîâ³ áóâàþòü ïðîñò³ ³ ïîõ³äí³.
Ïðîñòèìè íàçèâàþòü ³ìåííèêè, â ÿêèõ íåìîæëèâî âèä³ëèòè îê-
ðåì³ ÷àñòèíè ñëîâà êîð³íü, ñóô³êñ òîùî: school, house, street.
Ïîõ³äíèìè íàçèâàþòü ³ìåííèêè, â ÿêèõ ìîæíà âèä³ëèòè îêðåì³
÷àñòèíè ñëîâà êîð³íü, ñóô³êñ òîùî:
1) ³ìåííèêè, ÿê³ ìàþòü îäíàêîâó ôîðìó ç 䳺ñëîâîì:
work ïðàöþâàòè, work ðîáîòà; love ëþáèòè, love ëþáîâ.
2) ³ìåííèêè, ÿê³ óòâîðþþòüñÿ çà äîïîìîãîþ ñóô³êñ³â -er, -ing,
read ÷èòàòè, reader ÷èòà÷; teach íàâ÷àòè, teacher ó÷èòåëü;
dictate äèêòóâàòè, dictation äèêòàíò; mean îçíà÷àòè,
meaning çíà÷åííÿ.
3) ³ìåííèêè, ÿê³ ñêëàäàþòüñÿ ç äâîõ îñíîâ, çºäíàíèõ îäíà ç îä-
home + work = homework;
class + room = classroom;
black + board = blackboard.
1. Ïðî÷èòàéòå ³ ïåðåêëàä³òü òåêñò.
Toms wedding Day
Today is a very special day. Its my wedding day, and all my family
and friends are here. Everybody is having a wonderful time.
My wife, Jane, is standing in front of the fireplace. Shes wearing a
beautiful white wedding gown. Uncle Harry is talking her photograph,
and Aunt Emma is crying. (Shes very sentimental.)
The band is playing my favourite popular music. My mother is
dancing with Janes father, and Janes mother is dancing with my father.