28. Gerhard Hirschfeld, Fremdherrschaft und Kollaboration. Die Niederlande unter
deutscher Besatzung 1940–1945 (Stuttgart, 1984), 34; according to Hirschfeld
the decree in question was that from the Reich Chancellery of 3 February 1943.
29. Thomsen, Besatzungspolitik, 138 ff.
30. Bohn, Reichskommissariat, 44 ff.
31. Kwiet, Reichskommissariat, 146 ff. See, for example, BAB, NS 19/3363, two
letters from Himmler to Seyss-Inquart, 5 March 1942, also Himmler’s letter to
Rauter, 28 March 1942.
32. This attitude of resignation is clearly seen in his report of a discussion w ith
Mussert on 8 July 1943, which he informed Rauter about (BAB, NS 19/3364).
Himmler meanwhile confined himself to the hope ‘that in this manner we shall
be able to keep Mussert on board for the time being’ (ibid.).
33. Meinoud Marinus Rost van Tonningen, Correspondentie, ed. and with an
introduction by E. Fraenkel-Verkade in cooperation with A. J. van der
Leuw, 2 vols. (’s-Gravenhage, 1967), i. 162 ff. and 912.
34.OnRost von Tonningen’s withdrawal see Hirschfeld, Fremdherrschaft, 193.
35. Warmbrunn, German Occupation, 132 f.; on Himmler’s support see his state-
ments on 12 July 1944 (BAB, R 43 II/678a).
brunn, German Occupation, 135; Wagner, Belgien, 248. In total the SS was
to recruit some 20,000 volunteers in Flanders and Wallonia up to the end of the
war (Stein, Geschichte, 124 f.).
37. He made the speech in the Brussels Palais du Sport at a mass rally of Rexists in
which many representatives of the occupying power also to ok part; see Martin
Conway, Collaboration in Belgium: Le
on Degrelle and the Rexist Movement,
1940–1944 (New Haven and London, 1993), 173 ff.
38. BAB, NS 19/419, 20 January 1943; see Wagner, Belgien, 248.
39. Franz Petri, ‘Die geschichtliche Stellung der Germanisch-Romanischen Gren-
zlande im Westen’, in Westland. Bla
tter fu
r Landsc haft, Geschichte und Kultur an
Rhein, Mosel, Maas und Schelde, ed. Reich Commissar for the Occupied Dutch
Territories, 2nd series (1943), 66 – 72, extracts reprinted in Hans Derks, Deutsche
Westforschung. Ideologie und Praxis im 20. Jahrhundert (Leipzig, 2001), 270 ff. An
allusion to the continual ‘incorporation’ by the Reichsfu
hrer-SS of new terri-
tories on ‘racial-biological’ grounds can be found in a further article by Petri in
the same journal, 1st series (1943), 61,
reprinted in Derks, Westforschu
ng, 267 ff.
See also Wagner, Belgien, 249; Derks, Westforschung,esp.85 ff., who engages
critically with the older research literature, in particular with Karl Ditt, ‘Die
Kulturraumforschu ng zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik. Das Beispiel Karl
Petri (1903–1993)’, Westfa
lische Forschungen, 46 (1996), 73–176.
40. IfZ, NO 1469, Berger to Himmler, 27 October 1942. Hitler advocated the
creation of two Reich Gaus on Belgian soil but his aim was annexation, as is
clear from his comments at a meeting on 12 July 1944 on the ina uguration of
the civil administration in Belgium (BAB, R 43 II/678a).
endnotes 917