71. IfZ, NG 4956, telex Special Train Westphalia to Wolff; German Department’s
reply of 24 February 1943.
72. Hagen Fleischer, Im Kreuzschatten der Ma
chte: Griechenland 1941 – 1944, 2 parts,
(Frankfurt a. M., 1986), Part 1,p.273.
73. Chary, Bulgarian Jews, 129 ff. See also Nir Baruch, Der Freikauf. Zar Boris und
das Schicksal der bulgarischen Juden (Sofia, 1996), 103 ff., and Dieter Ruckhaberle
and Christiane Ziesecke (eds), Rettung der bulgarischen Juden—1943. Eine Doku-
mentation (Berlin, 1984).
74. Chary, Bulgarian Jews, 178 ff., 197 ff., and 224 ff.
75. PAA, The office of the state secretary Bulgaria 5, Ribbentrop to Beckerle, 4
April 1943; see also Chary, Bulgarian Jews, 269 f.
76. Adler, Mensch, 224 ff.
77. IfZ, NO 1882, Himmler to Kru
ger, 11 January 1943.
78. BAB, NS 19/1740 ; see also Himmler’s instruction to Kru
ger, 16 February 1943
, Belzec, 392; Yisrael G utman, The Jews of Warsaw, 1939–1943: Ghetto,
Underground, Revolt (Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1989), 307 ff.
80. Stroop gave Himmler a report illustrated with photographs in which he had
proudly documented his destructive activities under the motto : ‘A Jewish
district in Warsaw no longer exists!’ (Stroop Report, doc. PS-1061, published
in IMT,vol.30, pp. 357–472).
81. BAB, NS 19/2648, 12 May 1943; see also Himmler’s minute of 10 May 1943,
in which he emphasized that the ‘evacuation of the remaining 300, 000 Jews in
the General G overnment’ must be carried out ‘with the greatest speed’ (pub-
lished in Faschismus,Ghetto,Massenmord, 354 f.); see also Sandku
hler, ‘Endlo
sung’, 197.
82. Pra
g and Jacobmeyer (eds), Diensttagebuch, 31 May 1943; see also Himmler’s
telephone notes of 20 May 1943 : ‘Jewish evacuation’ (BAB, NS 19/1440).
83. Pohl, Ostgalizien, 246 ff.; Sandku
hler, ‘Endlo
sung’, 194 ff.
ann report to Kru
ger, 30 June 1943, published in Faschismus, Ghetto,
Massenmord, 358 ff.
85. BAB, NS 19/1432, Himmler note of 22 June 1943 concerning the meeting.
86. BAB, NS 19/1740, Himmler to Pohl and Kaltenbrunner, 11 June 1943.
‘A large park’ was to be created on the land of the former ghetto.
87. BAB, NS 19/1571, Himmler order of 5 July 1943, which he withdrew on 20
July 1943 following objections from Pohl and Globocnik (ibid. message from
Brandt of 20 July 1943); however, only four days later he renewed the order,
see Schelvis, Sobibo
r, 173 f.
88. Pohl, Lublin, 160. Pohl, Kru
ger, and Globocnik agreed on the takeover of the
camp on 7 September 1943 (Pohl note from the same date, IfZ, NO 599,
published in Faschismus, Ghetto, Massenmord, 459 f.).
89. IfZ, NO 1036, minute concerning the transformation of the forced labour
camps of the SSPF into KZ, 19 January 1944.
endnotes 929