Home Affairs Office, functions of 471
Jewish policy:
acquires executive powers in 407
development of 217
persecution 216–18
programme for expulsion 410–11
organizational structure 164–5, 187,
212, 258, 471–2
frontier violations 425
preparations for war 425
relations with military
intelligence 189–90
Romania, legionnaires’ putsch 505–6
search for compromising material on
SA 172
secret-police role 188
Soviet Union, planning for role in
invasion 517–19
Sudetenland 387–8
see also Reich Security Main Office
Sebottendorf, Rudolf von 28
Second World War, as opportunity for
Himmler 424–5
Security Police, see Sipo
(Sicherheitspolizei, Security
Seisser, Hans Ritter von 67
Selbstschutz (Ethnic German Self-
Defence Force) 491
creation of 429
mass murder of Poles 429, 430
confrontations with
Wehrmacht 433
mental patients 431
Seldte, Franz 144
Selvester, Captain Tom 1–
acts of resistance 544, 545
Waffen-SS recruitment in 611, 612
effects of 615
settlement policy:
eastern occupied countries 535, 536,
577, 578, 579
extension of SS empire 415
female east European domestic
staff 592–3
France 498, 588–92
General Government 444, 455–7,
General Plan East 577, 578
Germanization 441–50, 452–4, 572,
578, 582
Himmler gains control of 434–6
link with final solution 578–9
military peasants 443
military settlements 450
Poland 434
progress with 579
Protectorate of Bohemia and
Moravia 420–2, 580–1
racial selection 580
racial selection 445, 446–7
racial zones of Europe 575– 7
re-Germanization 452–4, 592
European domestic
staff 592–3
seizure of children 595–9
South Tyrol 417–20, 458–61
Soviet Union 527, 528, 535 , 584–7
standardization of 575
Ukraine 622
Yugoslavia 577
Seydlitz, Walther von 697
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur 403, 404, 493, 495
Siebert, Ludwig 154
Sievers, Wolfram 275, 276, 280
Sima, Horia 505, 506, 651 –2
Simon, Gustav 590
Sipo (Sicherheitspolizei, Security
Police) 201
Heydrich on role of 207–8
Himmler on functions of 206
preventive repression 202–4
see also Gestapo; Reich Security Main
Office (RSHA)
Six, Franz Alfred 212, 225, 360, 471 ,
Skorzeny, Otto 657, 690, 697, 714
Jews 547, 562, 563,
halting of 625, 668
murder of 567
exchange of Jewish prisoners 708
German ethnic policy 391, 458
German occupation of 705
index 1025