in Protectorate, deportation of 546
radicalization of Jewish policy 528–30
resistance 664, 666–7
in Romania:
deportation of 618 , 619, 625
Germany demands control over 619
mass murder of 618
SD’s role in persecution 216 –18
development of Jewish policy 217
programme for expulsion 410–11
in Slovakia:
deportation of 547, 562, 563, 705–6
exchange of Jewish prisoners 708
halting of deportation 625, 668
murder of 567
in Soviet Union, mass murder of
525–7, 531–4, 537, 538, 539,
567–8, 621–3, 667
in Vichy France, deportation of
619–20, 624, 693
see also anti-Semitism; final solution
Johnson, Eric A 210, 213, 477
Johst, Hanns 301, 304–5, 380–1, 522, 586
Heinz 187, 332, 394, 471, 505–6
Edgar 173
ttner, Hans 361, 518, 523, 525, 538
Kahr, Gustav von 61, 66–7, 173
llay, Miklo
s 673
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst 267, 361, 661–
697, 733
Kammerhofer, Konstantin 675
Kammler, Hans 559–60 , 688, 689, 703
Kampfbund, Bavarian political crisis
(1923) 66, 67–9
Kappler, Herbert 396
Kapp putsch 32–3
Karmasin, Franz 458, 503
rner, Theodor 813n32
Kasche, Siegfried 610
Kastl, Dr 62, 63
Fritz 320, 620, 665
Karl 157, 158
Kaul, Brigadefu
hrer 322
Kehrl, Hans 686
Keitel, Wilhelm 433, 517, 522, 574,
590, 601
Keppler, Wilhelm 144, 258–9, 393
Kerrl, Hans 222–3, 224
Kersten, Felix 381, 523, 618, 724, 725,
727, 728, 730
Kiermaier, Josef 301, 597, 735
Killinger, Manfred von 619
Kiss, Edmund 282
Klagges, Dietrich 160
Klausener, Erich 173, 191
Kleinheisterkamp, Matthias 323, 618
Kleist, Ewald von 554
Knobelsdorff, Manfred von 294
Knoblauch, Kurt 525, 538
Knochen, Helmut 496–7 , 631, 648, 693
Koch, Erich 554
Koeppen, Wilhelm 543
Kok-Sagys, Himmler’s involvement in
of 659, 660, 685–6
Walter 457–8
Koppe, Wilhelm 438, 450, 542
rner, Paul 185
Korsemann, Gerret 329, 339–40
Krebs, Albert 138
Kripo (Criminal Police Department)
201, 204
asocial operation (‘Work-shy
Reich’) 228–9
criminal biology 227–8, 471
dealing with effects of air-war 635
Gestapo, relations between 226–7
gypsies 230, 671
persecution of 229–30
Himmler on functions of 206
homosexuals, action against 237
organizational structure 470–1
preventive criminal policy 225–6
methods 228
murderous form of 636
preventive custody 227
racial foundations of 227–8
in wartime 478–9
unification and modernization
wartime activities 478–9
see also Reich Security Main Office
Kristallnacht 408–10
Erhard 337–8, 703
Carl Vincent 157, 259
ger, Friedrich Wilhelm 542, 565,
572, 657, 658, 665, 667
index 1017