Heydrich, Reinhard (cont.)
Norway, deployments in 491–2
‘Phases in Our Struggle’ (1935) 196–7
deportation of Jews 439–40
frontier violations 425
liquidation of leading Poles 428,
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia:
appointed Deputy Reich
Protector 536
deportation of Jews 546
imposes state of emergency 544
Reich Security Main Office (RSHA),
establishment of 469 , 470
reorganizes SD 164–5
on role of police 207–8
Slovakia, deportation of Jews 563
Soviet Union:
instructions on those to be
executed 523
mass murder of Jews 526, 567–8
preparations for invasion 517,
518, 522
subhumanity 207–8
takes over Dept VI of Munich
police 149
Wannsee conference 555–6
Hildebrandt, Friedrich 159
Hildebrandt, Richard 130 –1, 330, 438,
Himmler, Agathe Rosina (ne
e Kiene,
grandmother) 12
Anna Maria (ne
e Heyder,
HH’s mother) 13, 14, 17, 55
Himmler, Ernst (HH’s brother) 13, 16,
17, 55, 379
Himmler, Gebhard (HH’s brother) 14,
17, 55, 732
birth 13
career in SS 379–80
engagement 73
Himmler’s interference in 73–4
First World War military service 22–3,
24, 26
Himmler, Gebhard (HH’s father) 17, 55
advice to family members 14
birth 12
contradictory assessments of 11–12
death of 379
early career 12–13
fictional portrayal by Andersch 11
financial hardship 65
political views 61, 62
relationship with HH 58–9, 379, 737–8
teaching career 13, 15, 18, 29, 58
upbringing of children 13–14
(HH’s daughter) 412,
467, 524
birth of 109
relationship with father 468
Himmler, Heinrich 55, 111, 186, 207,
328, 356, 432, 467, 524, 565
estimates of numbers of 231–2
hostility towards 231
as agricultural expert of Nazi Party
(1926-30) 100–3
Artamanen movement 101–2
edits Der Bundschuh 103
lkisch peasant policy 100–1
agricultural student at Munich
Technical University 28, 30–1, 46
anxiety over exams 57–8
considers emigration 53– 4
duelling fraternity 31, 47
fantasies of heroic future 57
final exams 65
first duel 63–4
frustration 54
military/paramilitary activities 31–3
motives for studying 28–9
premature completion of course 58
reading 41–3
activities 46–8
placement 29, 43–4, 45
Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Heritage) 275–9
Cosmic Ice Theory 277, 279–80
expansion of 276–7
indoctrination of SS members 276
investigates speed of German
achievements 425
journalism 277
air-raid damage 620
alcohol abuse within SS 321 –4
anti-Semitism 262
as agricultural student 33
anti-Jewish polemic (1935) 215–16
1004 index