Belgium 607
Selbstschutz, creation of 429
Slovakia 705
Volkssturm (home guard) 712–13
Waffen-SS, recruitment of non-
Germans 499–500, 501, 503, 604,
673, 678
Berkelmann, Theodor 588
Bernadotte, Folke 724–5, 726–7,
728–9, 734
Best, Sigismund Payne 473
Best, Werner 159, 187, 190 , 207, 469,
654, 657
attempt to deport Danish Jews 693
background of 319
head of administrative department in
Gestapa 195
search for compromising material on
SA 172
state protection corps 204–5
Bingel, Rudolf 259
Birn, Ruth Bettina 306
Blank, Herbert 225, 246
Blaskowitz, Johannes 433, 461
Blomberg, Werner von 182,
190, 398
her, Hans 52, 234–5
Bocchini, Arturo 395, 459
von 433, 538
Boden, Margarete, see Himmler,
Bohemia and Moravia, see Protectorate of
Bohemia and Moravia
Bohle, Ernst Wilhelm 388, 393
Bolanden, Conrad von 45
Boltz, Wilhelm 158
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 698
Bormann, Martin 432, 519
anti-Jewish actions 216
Christian persecution 221
Poland, supports Himmler in 439
total war 684, 700
Volkssturm (home guard) 712, 713
Bose, Herbert von 173
Bouhler, Philipp 89, 453, 509
Bousquet, Rene
631, 648, 652, 693
Brack, Viktor 509, 512, 520 , 548
Bradfisch, Otto 534
Brandt, Karl 449–50
Brandt, Rudolf 257, 280, 344, 522,
681–2, 727, 735
Brauchitsch, Walther von 399, 433,
461, 462
von 688–9
Brehm, Friedrich 498
Bremen, Himmler takes control of
political police 160
ning, Heinrich 126, 139
Brunner, Alois 692, 693
Brunswick, Himmler takes control of
political police 160
Buchenwald concentration camp 242,
324, 728, 730
hler, Josef 556–7
Bulgaria, Jews in 619
deportation of 625, 663–4
Bund Deutscher Osten (BDO, League
of the German East) 388, 390
rckel, Josef 407 , 497, 498, 588–9, 590
rger, Karl-Heinz 322, 325
rger, Marianne 325
Friends of the R
hrer-SS 258–60
involvement in concentration camp
system 480, 557 –8, 686–7
tefisch, Heinrich 259
Caesar, Joachim 314, 416
Wilhelm 433
with Heydrich 189–90
becomes head of military
intelligence 189
murder of 698
relations with Gestapo 189, 190
Catholic church:
Mit brennender Sorge (‘With Burning
Anxiety’) 223
persecution of 197, 221
criminal trials 221–2
see also Christianity/Christian
Centre Party 66, 698
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart 59
Chelmno extermination camp 548, 567
Christianity/Christian church:
centrality of conflict with 265–6
de-Christianization 265
index 995