90. Steinbacher, ‘Musterstadt’, 296.
91. Ibid. 300 ff.
92. In September 1943 Himmler distanced himself from this order but renewed it
again in December.
93. Faschismus, Ghetto, Massenmord, 369 f., Greiser to Pohl, 14 February 1944.
Here reference is also made to Himmler’s order of 11 June 1944 to transform
the ghettos, of which the original has not been found. See in detail Michael
Alberti, Die Verfolgung und Vernichtung der Juden im Reichsgau Wartheland
1939–1945 (Wiesbaden, 2006), 472 ff.
94. Alberti, Verfolgung, 473 f.
95. Arad, Belzec, 396; Sara Bender, ‘The “Reinhardt Action” in the “Bialystok
District”’, in Freia Anders (ed.), Bialystok in Bielefeld. Nationalso zialistische
Verbrechen vor dem Landgericht Bielefeld 1958–1967 (Bielefeld, 2003), 186–208,
at 204 ff.
96. Enzyklopa
die des Holocaust. Die Verfolgung und Ermordung der europa
ischen Juden,
3 vols., edited under the auspices of Yad Vashem etc., main editor Israel
Gutman; German edition ed. Eberhard Ja
ckel, Peter Longerich, and Julius
H. Schoeps (Berlin, 1993), Bialystok article. On the background see Sara
Bender, ‘From Underground to Armed Struggle: The Resistance Movement
in the Bialystok Ghetto’, Yad Vashem Studies, 23 (1993), 145–71.
erlach, Morde, 739 ; Jakow Suchowolskij, ‘Es gab weder Schutz noch Erlo
sung, weder Sicherheit noch Rettung. Ju
discher Widerstand und der Un-
tergang des Ghettos Glubokoje’, Dachauer Hefte, 20 (2004 ), 22– 38.
98. On Treblinka and Sobibor see Reuben Ainsztein, Ju
discher Widerstand im
deutschbesetzten Osteuropa wa
hrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges (Oldenburg, 1993),
396 ff.
99. On the district of Lublin see Helge Grabitz and Wolfgang Scheffler (eds),
Letzte Spuren. Ghetto Warschau, SS-Arbeitslager Trawniki, Aktion Erntefest. Fotos
und Dokumente u
ber Opfer des Endlo
sungswahns im Spiegel der historischen
Ereignisse, 2nd rev. edn. (Berlin, 1993), 328 ff. In the district of Cracow the
forced labour camps, Szebnie and Plaszow, were affected, on 19 November
all the prisoners in the Lemberg camp, Janowska’ in the district of Galicia
were shot (on the district of Galicia see Jan Erik Schulte, ‘Zwangsarbeit fu
r die
SS. Juden in der Ostindustrie GmbH’, in Norbert Frei (ed.), Ausbeutung,
Vernichtung, O
ffentlichkeit. Neue Studien zur nationalsozialistischen Lagerpolitik
(Munich, 2000), 43–74 , 69 ).
100. The original order was dated 2 April and envisaged the retrospective estab-
lishment of a ghetto in R iga on 13 Ma
rz (OA Moscow, 504-2-8). See in detail
Angrick and Klein, ‘Endlo
sung’, 382 ff.
101. IfZ, NO 2403.
from Bach-Zelewski, among others HSSP Russia-
North, Pru
tzmann, HSSPF East, Kru
ger, the head of the RSHA, Kalten-
brunner, the head of the WVHA, Pohl, and the head of the Commando Staff
of the RFSS, Knoblauch, took part in the meeting.
930 endnotes