133. IfZ, NO 1210,Ho
ss statement, 14 March 1946; Orth, System, 303.
134. As reported by the British embassy to the Foreign Office, despatch of 27
March 1945 (PRO, FO 188/526).
135. Bernadotte, Ende, 32 ff.; ‘Final Report’, published in Do
rries, Chief, 167 ff.;
IfZ, ED 90/7, Schellenberg Manuscript, 17 f. and 22 f.
136. Bauer, Freikauf, 380 ff.; on the problem posed by the variety of figures given
in the literature for Jews who were rescued see Steven Koblik, The Stones Cry
Out: Sweden’s Response to the Persecution of the Jews 1933–1945 (New York,
1988), 138 f.
137. Bernadotte, Ende, 33.
138.PRO, FO 188/526, Ambassador in Stockholm to the Foreign Office, 27
March 1945, with the letter enclosed. The letter is reproduced in facsimile
in Kersten, Totenkopf, 358 .
139.PRO, FO 954/23B, note for the Prime Minister, 14 April 1945.O
ting see also Bernadotte, Ende, 66ff.; IfZ, ED 90/7, Schellenberg Manu-
script, 35b.
140.PRO, Prem 3/197/6, Mallet to Foreign Office, 13 April 1945.
141. Bernadotte, Ende, 69 ff.; IfZ, ED 90/7, Schellenberg Manuscript, 56.
142. Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk, Memoiren (Stuttgart, 1977), 239; ‘Final
Report’, published in Doerries, Chief, 176.
143. Wenck, Menschenhandel, 374 ff.; on the assessment of the number of victims
see Eberhard Kolb, Bergen-Belsen. Geschichte des ‘Aufenthaltslagers’ 1943–1945
(Hanover, 1962), 308 ff.; from the extensive British literature on the liberation
of Bergen-Belsen see Joanne Reilly, Belsen: The Liberation of a Concentration
Camp (London and New York, 1998).
144.PRO, FO 188/526 , Masur report. Masur published a longer version of the
report, from which various details were taken, in Sweden in 1945 under the
title: En jude talar med Himmler. A German manuscript version can be found in
USHMM, A-000786, also in the translation by Hauke Siemen back into
German as ‘Ein Jude spricht mit Hitler’, in Niklas Gu
nther and So
nke Zankel
(eds), Abrahams Enkel. Juden, Christen, Muslime und die Schoa (Stuttg
art, 20
133–44. On the conversation see also IfZ, ED 90/7, 48 f.; ‘Final Report’,
published in Doerries, Chief, 176 ff.; Kersten, Totenkopf, 371 ff.
145. Bernadotte, Ende, 76 f; IfZ, ED 90/7, Schellenberg Manuscript, 53 ff.; ‘Final
Report’ published in Doerries, Chief, 179.
146.PRO,WO 208/4474, Report on Grothmann’s interrogation, 13 June 1945.
147.PRO, FO 954/32, telegram from Churchill to Stalin, 25 April 1945, which
reproduces the report of the British head of mission in Stockholm.
148. IfZ, ED 90/7, Schel lenberg Manuscript, 63 ff.; ‘Final Report’, published in
Doerries, Chief, 184 ff.; Bernadotte, Ende, 78 ff.
149. Karl Do
nitz, Zehn Jahre und zwanzig Tage (Bonn, 1958), 431.
150. IfZ, ED 90/7,
Schellenberg Manuscript, 73 ff.
endnotes 947