40. Wildt, Generation, 358 ff.
41. Ibid. 132 ff. and 153 ff.
42. See Adam, Judenpolitik, 258 ff., and Avraham Barkai, Vom Boykott zur ‘En-
tjudung’. Der wirtschaftliche Existenzkampf der Juden im Dritten Reich 1933– 1943
(Frankfurt a. M., 1987), 183 ff.
43. Walk (ed.), Sonderrecht,IV2; Adam, Judenpolitik, 259.
44. Walk (ed.), Sonderrecht,IV10, edict of the chief of the security police, 12
September 1939.
45. RSHA edict of 21 Septemb er 1939, referred to in Adam, Judenpolitik, 260.
46. Walk (ed.), Sonderrecht,IV115.
47. Statutes of the Reich Air Raid Defence League of 28 June 1940,inRGBl 1940
I, 992; Walk (ed.), Sonderrecht ,IV127; Adam, Judenpolitik, 258 f.
48. Adam, Judenpolitik, 260 f.; Konrad Kwiet, ‘Nach dem Pogrom. Stufen der
Ausgrenzung’, in Wolfgang Benz (ed.), Die Juden in Deutschland 1933–1945.
unter nationalsozialistischer Herrschaft (Munich, 1989), 545–659 , 605 ff.;
Walk (ed.), Sonderrecht,IV67, edict of the Reich Minister of Economics of 23
January 1940 re: The Provision of Textiles.
49. Wolf Gruner, Der geschlosse ne Arbeitseinsatz deutscher Juden. Zur Zwangsarbeit als
Element der Verfolgung 1938–1943 (Berlin, 1997), 107 ff.
50. Details in Longerich, Politik, 231 . On the ‘Jew houses’ see Gruner, Arbeitsein-
satz, 249 ff.
51. Gruner, Arbeitseinsatz, 250, has demonstrated the existence of 38 such camps.
52. OA Moscow, 500-1-597.
53. OA Moscow, 503-1-324.
54. Wagner, Volksgem einschaft, 305 ff.
55. Ibid. 311.
56. Ibid. 311 f.
57. Ibid. 310 f. and 317 f.
58. Reich Criminal Police Office, 1 September 1939, and edicts of the Reich
Minister of the Interior of 9 and 12 Septemb
er 1939 (all
published in the
pamphlet: Collection of Edicts Concerning the Preventive Combating of Crime, IfZ,
Dc 17.02).
59. Circular edict of 18 October 1939, published ibid.
60. Broszat, ‘Konzentrationslager’, 399; Orth, System, 96 f.; Czesław Pilichowski,
Es gibt keine Verja
hrung (Warsaw, 1980), 127 (on people of Polish origin).
61. Circular edict of 7 September 1939, published in Collection of Edicts Concerning
Preventive Combating of Crime, IfZ, Dc 17.02.
62. Circular edict of 12 September 1939, published ibid.
63. Wagner, Volksgemeinschaft, 332. According to official figures from the Reich
Criminal Police Office on 31 December 1940 7,269 persons were in preventive
police detention compared with 6,018 in the previous year and 3,231 at the end
of 1938: Jahrbuch Amt V (Reichskriminalpolizeiamt) des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes
SS 1939/40 (Berlin, 1940), 5 and 44.On1 January 1940 4,845 ‘pro
876 endnotes