49. End-of-year final report of the Central Land Office for 1942 (BAB, R 49/195);
see Heinemann, ‘Rasse’ , 212 ff.
50. Heinemann, ‘Rasse’, 217 ff.
51. For examples see ibid. 209 f.
52. BAB, NS 2/60, report of the RuS-leader with the EWZ, Ku
nzel, 20 December
1939, and Pancke report of 20 December 1939.
53. Ibid. Ku
nzel report of 20 December 1939.
54. Ibid. 20 December 1939 .
55. BAB, NS 2/88, 14 October 1939; Heinemann, ‘Rasse’, 234 f.
56. BAB, R 69/178 , EWZ North-East to Chief of Sipo and SD, 17 January 1940;
IfZ, NO 4326, Hofmann, 25 January 1940.
57. Heinemann, ‘Rasse’, 236.
BAB, R 69/178,
EWZ N orth-East to Chief of Sipo and SD, 17 January 1940.
59. USHMM, RG 15.015 M/162, RKF, signed Creutz, to HSSPF Warthe, North-
East and South-East, 18 January 1940.
60. BAB, NS 2/61, meeting in the EWZ North-East on 1 April 1940.
61. BAB, R 69/598, report on the conference of the RuS offices as part of the
conference of the Immigration offices on 11 /12 January 1941 in Dresden,
paper given by the head of the Clan Office, Richard Kaaserer.
62. BAB, R 69/598, letter of 18 November 1940. Epikanthus medialis is the medical
term for the so-called Mongol fold or crease, a crescent-shaped fold at the
internal edge of the eye, which was popularly known as ‘slit eyes’ and is
common among many East Asian peoples. Himmler evidently wanted to be
sure that this feature would be noted.
63. Heinemann, ‘Rasse’, 242 ff. BAB, R 49/14, Reich Ethnic German Commissar,
Resettlement in the East. Figures for 31 December 1942; here the total number
of ethnic Germans resettled from the Baltic up to this point is given as 126,000.
64. BAB, NS 2/88,
North-East, Posen branch, RuS-Office to the head of
the Posen Immigration branch office, 26 March 1940, final report on the
processing of the Baltic Germans; see Heinemann, ‘Rasse’, 244 ff.
65. BAB R 69/516 EWZ North-East, Posen branch, RuS Office to HSSPF Koppe
re: racial assessment of the ethnic Germans from Vollhynia, Galicia, and the
Narev district who have been processed by 18 February 1940, 20 February
66. BAB, R 69/501, EWZ, Roving Commission I, addition to the Vollhynian and
Galician statistics, 20 August 1940.
67. BAB, R 69/178, summaries. Included here were a total of over 147 ,000 people
who had been resettled from these districts.
68. BAB, R 69/598, report on the meeting of the RuS offices as part of the EWZ
meeting of 11–12 January 1941 in Dresden.
69. There is an excellent overview in the introduction to the Dienstkalender, 81 f.
See also BAB, R 49/26, RKF, report to Himmler re: Statistics on the resettle-
ment situation on 15 April 1941, 5 May 1941.
868 endnotes