obligations: ‘In particular I forbid so-called hire purchase agreements.’ The
order of 30 September 1937 dealt with further details and confirmed that hire
purchase was forbidden on principle (BAB, NS 2/176).
53. BAB, NS 19/4004, speech at the Gruppenfu
hrer meeting in Munich in the
leaders’ quarters of the SS-Standarte Deutschland, 8 November 1937.
54. BAB, NS 19 /2651, Himmler to Werner Lorenz, Behrend’s superior, 16
December 1942, publish ed in Himmler, Reichsfu
hrer!, no. 180.
55. BAB, BDC, SS-O Rudo lf Jung, Himmler to Hans Krebs, 19 January 1943.
56. BAB, NS 19/3221, letter of 24 June 1942.
57. BAB, BDC, SS-O Korsemann, Himmler to Korsemann, 12 March 1943.
58. BAB, NS 19/3901, instruction from Himmler, 19 March 1939.
59. BAB, NS 19/4005, speech at the Gruppenfu
hrer meeting in Munich, 8 No-
vember 1938, published in Himmler, Geheimreden, 25 ff., 44 f.
60. Ibid.
61. BAB, BDC, SS-O Fritz Weitzel, letter fro m Himmler of 24 Januar 1939: ‘Dear
I strongly wish and command that first of all in the interests of your
health you and your wife spend your leave in southern Italy and not in
northern Italy (Tyrol), and secondly that this leave should last for three
weeks without interruption. I forbid you to leave for Germany or to have
files sent to you during this time, with the exception of one batch of items for
reading and information only. A holiday has a purpose only if it takes one away
completely from everyday things and other worries and so leads to proper
relaxation and thus recovery. I need precisely the senior leaders for a long time
yet and we cannot afford to wear them out within a few years from overwork.’
See also SS-O Ebrecht, communication of 17 August 1938 concerning a period
of leave imposed by Himmler.
62. Abschrift in BAB, BDC, SS-O Ro
sener, medical report, 28 April 1944.
63. BAB, BDC, SS-O Gutenberger, medical report, 13 March 1944. Also here see
Herff to Gutenberger, 28 February 1944, und Herff to Himmler, 16 and 25
March 1944.
64. BAB, BDC, SS-O Ro
sener, medical report Braitmaier, 29 May 1944.
65. In the same file.
66. BAB, BDC, SS-O Sauberzweig, Prof. Koch, medical report for Gebhardt, 29
November 1944, cites a further report from his colleague Crinis, a neurologist
at the Charite
hospital in Berlin; Gebhardt to Herff, 12 March 1945.
67. BAB, BDC, SS-O Schmitt, medical certificate, 9 July 1942.
68. BAB, BDC, SS-O Hildebrandt, medical certificate, 3 February 1942.
69. The strong emphasis that Fahrenkamp placed on psychosomatic factors is
evident in his book Kreislauffu
rsorge und Gesundheitsfu
hrung (Stuttgart, 1941 ).
70. BAB, NS 19/1630, list of members of the Personal Staff as around May 1943;
NS 19/3666, correspondence of the Perso nal Staff with Fahrenkamp. See in
addition NS 3/1136,
construction of the cosmetics factory in Dachau,
p. correspondence with medical officer Dr. med. Karl Fahrenkamp (Personal
834 endnotes