36. Himmler to Pohl, 26 September 1939, published in Heinrich Himmler,
hrer! . . . Briefe an und von Himmler, ed. and intr. by Helmut Heiber
(Stuttgart, 1968), no. 52 .
37. Huber, Porzellan-Manufaktur, 44 ff.
38. Ibid. 51 ff.
39. On the course in national politics see doc. PS- 1992 (A), in IMT, vol. 29,
pp. 206 ff. It took place from 15 to 23 January 1937. For the speech to the
hrer see BAB, NS 19/4005, 8 November 1938, published in
Himmler, Geheimreden, 25 ff.
40. Schutzstaffel, 3. In his speech of January 1937 he said that the coming decades
would mean a ‘battle to the point of annihilation of those subhuman enemies
I have mentioned throughout the world against Germany as the core nation of
the Nordic race, against Germany as the core nation of the Germanic nation,
against Germany as the bearer of culture for humanity. They will mean the to
be or not to be of white men, of which we are the leading nation’ (IMT, vol.
29,pp.206 ff., quotation 234).
41. In his speech at the Reich Peasants’ Rally of 1935 Himmler had asserted that
‘our common and eternal enemy, the Jew’ was responsible for the violent
Christianization of the Saxons, the Spanish Inquisition, the witch hunts, and
the outbreak of the Thirty Years War (Schutzstaffel, 5).
42. BAB, NS 19/4012, speech to the conference of Reich chief propaganda
officials, 26 January 1944 .
NS 19/4009, speech in the Haus der Flieger, 9 June 1942, published in
Himmler, Geheimreden, 145 ff., here 147. On the battle between Asia and
Europe see also NS 19/4009, speech at the SS officers’ training college
( Junkerschule) at Bad To
lz, 23 November 1942, and NS 19/4014, speech to
representatives of the German judiciary in Kochem, 25 May 1944; ibid. speech
in Sonthofen, 21 June 1944.
44. ‘This struggle is a conflict [ ...] of two leader classes or leadership classes, on
the one hand the leadership of the subhumans: Jews, commissars and polit ruks,
who are convinced to their core of their ideology, fanatical supporters of this
doctrine of destruction, for this idea of an Asian empire, and in reality prepared
to use ultimate and brutal means for the sake of this conviction. [ . . . ] This is a
battle of ideologies, as was the battle with the Huns at the time of the
migrations, as was the battle throughout the Middle Ages with Islam, where
not only religion was at stake but also a battle of the races.’ BAB, NS 19/4014,
speech to the Oberabschnittsfu
hrer and chief officers in the Haus der Flieger, 9
June 1942, published in Himmler, Geheimreden, 145 ff., quotation 150. For the
term ‘politruk’, see below Ch. 12,n.92.
45. BAB, NS 19/4014, speech in Sonthofen, 21 June 1944.
46. Ibid. speech in Sonthofen, 24 May 1944. In his Vienna speech of 1939 he had
already spoken of the ‘unfortunate doctrine of an Asianized Christianity’
(BAB, NS 19/3666, published in Himmler, Geheimreden, 51). On 16 Septem-
814 endnotes