13. Tuchel, Konzentrationslager, 159 ff.; Karin Orth, Das System der nationalsozialis-
tischen Konzentrationslager. Eine politische Organisationsgeschichte (Hamburg,
1999), 31 ff.; on the camp see Stefanie Endlich, ‘Die Lichtenburg 1933–1939.
Haftort politischer Prominenz und Frauen-KZ’, in Wolfgang Benz and Bar-
bara Distel (eds), Herrschaft und Gewalt. Fru
he Konzentrationslager 1933–1939
(Berlin, 2002), 11–64.
14. Tuchel, Konzentrationslager, 184 ff.
15. Ibid. 187 ff.; Dirk Lu
erssen, ‘“Moorsoldaten” in Esterwegen, Bu
Neusustrum. Die fru
hen Konzentrationslager im Emsland 1933 bis 1936 ’, in
Wolfgang Benz and Barbara Distel (eds), Herrschaft und Gewalt. Fru
he Konzen-
trationslager 1933–1939 (Berlin, 2002), 157–210, here 182 ff.
16. Tuchel, Konzentrationslager, 192 ff.; Carina Baganz, Erziehung zur ‘Volksge-
meinschaft’. Die fru
hen Konzentrationslager in Sachsen 1933–34/ 37 (Berlin, 2005),
251 ff.
17. Kurt Schilde, ‘Vom Tempelhofer Feld-Gefa
ngnis zum Schutzhaftlager: Das
“Columbia-Haus” in Berlin’, in Wolfgang Benz and Barbara Distel (eds),
Herrschaft und Gewalt. Fru
he Konzentrationslager 1933–1939 (Berlin, 2002), 65–81;
Wohlfeld, ‘Im Hotel “Zum Großherzog”. Das Konzentrationslager Bad
Sulza 1933–1937’, in Wolfgang Benz and Barbara Distel (eds), Instrumentarium der
Macht. Fru
he Konzentrationslager 1933–1937 (Berlin, 2003), 263–75.
18. BAB, NS 19/1447, and GStA, Rep 90 P 13,H.1, Himmler to the Prussian
Finance Minister (referring to the conversation), quoted in Tuchel, Konzen-
trationslager, 309 f., who comments extensively on the document.
19. BAB, NS 19/4002, speech by Himmler to officials and employees of the Secret
State Police Office on 11 October 1934.
20. BAB, NS 19/4003, speech by the RFSS to the Prussian State Councillors, 5
March 1936: ‘I believe that few people are more aware of just how inadequate
the organization of the Secret State Police Office was during the years 1933/ 34
and still was at the beginning of 1935 than the Prime Minister and I.’
21. Tuchel, Konzentrationslager, 160.
22. GStA, Rep 90 P 1,H.1, letter from Go
ring dated 15 October 1934, Procedural
instructions for the Secret State Police, also in BAB, R 58/239;
see Aronson,
drich, 222 f.
23. GStA, Rep 90P 1,H.2, 20 November 1934; see Aronson, Heydrich, 239.
24. GStA, Rep 90P 1,H.2, circular order from Go
ring, 20 November 1934, also in
BAB, R 58/239; see Aronson, Heydrich, 223.
25. Browder, Enforcers , 124 ff.
26. Aronson, Heydrich, 202 ff.
27. Browder, Enforcers , 127 and 132 ff.
28. On the Foreign Department at this time see Thorsten J. Querg, Spionage und
Terror. Das Amt VI des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes 1939–1945, Phil. Diss. Berlin
1997 [Microfiche], 157 ff. According to Browder, Enforcers, 176, Department
792 endnotes