37. Doc. PS-1992 (A), Lecture by Himmler on the nature and role of the SS to a
Wehrmacht course on national politics, 15–23 January 1937,inInternational
Military Tribunal: Der Prozess gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher vor dem Internationa -
len Milita
rgerichtshof, 14. Oktober 1945 bis 1. Oktober 1946, 42 vols. (Nuremberg,
1947–9), here vol. 29, 206 ff.
38. BAB, NS 19/1934, SS order A , no. 65,of31 December 1931.
39. BAB, NS 19/4013, speech of 5 May 1944. The same line was taken in an article
published by the head of the Race Office, Schultz, in the journal Volk und
Rasse, 17 (1942), in January 1942 to mark the tenth anniversary of the Engage-
ment and Marriage Order: ‘This order provoked a huge amount of malicious
distortion and vicious sarcasm but the SS was unshakeable in standing its
ground ...’(1 f.).
40. This account of subcultural aspects of the SA derives above all from a large
amount of literatu re that was published by the SA or those close to it immedi-
ately after the seizure of power. For details see Longerich, Geschichte der SA,
41. BAB, NS 19/1934, SS order A , no. 67, 31 December 1931.
42. This is based on the rules of procedure of 12 May 1931 (ibid.).
43. On Darre
see Anna Bra mwell, Blood and Soil: Richard
her Darre
and Hitler’s
‘Green Party’ (Bourne End, 1985); Horst Gies, R. Walther Darre
und die
nationalsozialistische Bauernpolitik in den Jahren 1930 bis 1933 (Frankfurt a. M.,
1966); BAB, BDC, SS-O Darre
44. Isabel Heinemann, ‘Rasse, Siedlung, deutsches Blut’. Das Rasse- und Siedlung-
shauptamt der SS und die rassenpolitische Neuordnung Europas (Go
ttingen, 2003),
55 ff.
45. BAB, NS 19/1074.
46. BAB, BDC, SS-O Wolff; Jochen von Lang, Der Adjutant. Karl Wolff, der Mann
zwischen Hitler und Himmler (Munich, 1985), 12 ff.
47. BAB, BDC, SS-O Heissmeyer, undated cv.
48. BAB, BDC, SS-O Wege, particularly the cv of 12 May 1932.
49. BAB, BDC, SS-O Hildebrandt, particularly the cv of 15 April 19 36.
50. BAB, BDC, SS-O Kru
ger, cv.
51. Richard Breitman, ‘Friedrich Jeckeln, Spezialist fu
r die “Endlo
sung im Osten” ’,
in Ronald Smelser und Enrico Syring (eds), Die SS. Elite unter dem Totenkopf. 30
ufe (Paderborn etc., 2000), 267–75; BAB, BDC, SS-O Jeckeln, in partic-
ular Jeckeln to Himmler, 28 February 1932.
52. BAB, BDC, SS-O Lorenz, in particular the cv, 31 March 1937.
BDC SS-O Wittje, especially the undated cv.
54. BAB, BDC, SS-O Zech; Zech, born in 1892, had served in the Reichswehr until
1920 as a captain. See Reichstags-Handbuch, IX, Wahlperiode 1933 (Berlin, 1934).
55. BAB, BDC, SS-O Moder, in particular the undated cv.
56. BAB, BDC, SS-O Schmauser, in particular the undated cv.
57. TB, 6 July 1922.
endnotes 779