13. Himmler, Bru
der Himmler, 46 ff., demonstrates this in exemplary fashion from
family history by means of the farewell letters that Himmler ’s father wrote
prophylactically to Gerhard and Ernst.
14. Smith, Himmler, 46 f.; TB, 18 September 1915.
15. BAK, NL 1126/1, Gebhard Himmler, ‘Notes on the schooling of our dear
children’ (Schulnotizen ); see Smith, Himmler, 43.
16. Himmler, Bru
der Himmler, 46 ff.
17. At first they lived in the bride’s flat on the first floor of Sternstrasse 13
(Adressbuch fu
nchen 1898). Agathe Himmler, an employee of the District
Office (Bezirksamt), was also registered as living at this address. In 1900 and
1901 the family lived on the second floor of Hildegardstra sse 6, from the 1 April
1901 on the third floor of Liebigstrasse 5,k(Adressbuch fu
nchen 1900 und
1901). Cf. Smith, Himmler, 39.
18. Smith, Himmler, 50.
19. The correspondence is contained in BAK, NL 1126/1. Katrin Himmler describes
the visits in Bru
der Himmler, 39, based on the manuscript of the memoirs of her
great-uncle, Gerhard Himmler, which are in the possession of the family.
20. On the cultural changes during the period of the Prince Regent
and on the
of Munich as an artistic centre see above all David Clay Large, Hitlers
nchen. Aufstieg und Fall der Hauptstadt der Bewegung (Munich, 1998), as well
as the collection of essays edited by Friedrich Prinz and Marita Krauss,
nchen—Musenstadt mit Hinterho
fen. Die Prinzregentenzeit 1886–1912 (Munich,
1988), in particular Roger Engelmann, ‘O
ffentlichkeit und Zensur. Literatur
und Theater als Provokation’, 267–76. For a general account of this period see
Karl Mo
ckl, Die Prinzregentenzeit. Gesellschaft und Politik wa
hrend der
Ara des
Prinzregenten Luitpold in Bayern (Munich and Vienna, 1972).
21. Bla
tter fu
r das Gymnasial-Schulwesen, 38, 9/10 (Septemb er–October 1902), 665.
22. BAK, NL 1126/1, correspondence between Gebhard Himmler and the family
doctor, Quernstedt (15 July 1903), as well as with Prince Heinr ich (the prince’s
enquiry about Heinrich’s state of health, 25 June 1903, and Himmler’s replies
of 30 August and 20 December 1903); Smith, Himmler, 40 ff.
23. Bla
tter fu
r das Gymnasial-Schulwesen, 40, 9/10 (Septemb er–October 1904), 684;
nchen 1905; see Smith, Himmler, 42.
24. Smith, Himmler, 42 f.; BAK, NL 1126/1, School reports. Himmler’s father
mentions here five different occasions when Gebhard was ill during this year,
which led to 147 days off school.
25. See in particular the reflections on this in Himmler, Bru
der Himmler, 66 f.,
BAK, NL 1126/1, Schulnotizen.
26. BAK, NL 1126/1, Schulnotizen.
27. Smith, Himmler, 44 f.
28. See the holiday diaries for 1910 und 1911 (Lenggries), 1912 (Lindau), and 1913
(Brixlegg) in Nachlass Himmler, BAK, NL 1126/6.
29. TB, 1911, Landaufenthalt in Lenggries; cf. Smith, Himmler, 44 ff.
endnotes 751