1944 (after Himmler had concluded that the woman was ‘infertile’ he turned
down the application, ibid. 20 July 1944); NS 19/3482, Personal Staff (Brandt),
to Streckenbach re the request from J., 28 November 1942;NS19/3483,
Himmler to Eicke re Rottenfu
hrer S., 30 November 1942, und Personal Staff
to Berger re request of SS man S., 9 March 1943 (this case was later settled
positively in consideration of the petitioner’s two existing children).
67. Ibid. Himmler to Berger, 9 October 1942.
68. Ibid. RFSS to RuSHA re the request of Stormtrooper Erwin M., 20 February 1943.
69. Ibid. letter of 22 June 1942 to RuSHA.
70. BAB, NS 19/3684, Perso nal Staff (Brandt) to Ebner, with a copy to Grawitz, 4
August 1942. According to Brandt’s information the enquiry was occasio ned
by the case of a woman who at the age of 49 or 50 had had her third child; she
had not begun menstruating until she was 19.
71. BAB, NS 19/3482, Himmler to Unterscharfu
hrer S., 11 April 1942. In a similar
case, where he had given consent, in spite of a sixteen-year age-gap, in view of
the woman’s pregnancy, he prepared the future wife for the fact that, in the
face of the inevitable failure of her marriage, she would have to find a ‘huge
amount of wisdom, goodness, and generosity’ (NS 19/3978, letter of 27 August
1944 to RuSHA re the request of Unterscharfu
BAB, NS 19/3482, Himmler to Frau R., 14 September 1942.
73.On15 February 1942 Hedwig Potthast gave birth to their son (Dienstkalender).
74. BAB, NS 19/3483, Himmler to the head of the Personnel Office and head of
the Race and Settlement Main Office, 9 December 1942. See also ibid.
Personal Staff (Brandt) to Herff, 20 August 1943: ‘The Reichsfu
hrer-SS asks
you to communicate to Untersturmfu
hrer F. his most severe displeasure at his
unchivalrous behaviour unworthy of an SS man in the matter of his divorce in
that without warrant he petitioned to have his wife declared solely at fault.’
75. Ibid. letter of 12 January 1943 to the SS Leadership Office.
76. Schwarz, Frau, 68.
77. BAB, NS 19 /4004, speech at the Gruppenfu
hrer meeting in Munich in the
officers’ quarters of the SS-Standarte Deutschland, 8 November 1937.
78. Himmler to Werner Lorenz, 16 December 1942, published in Himmler, Reichs-
hrer!,no.180. The admonition was given in case, as Himmler supposed, Frau
Behrends was the ‘driving force behind the unhealthy ambition’ of her husband.
79. BAB, NS 19/3142, 16 May 1944, published in Himmler, R eichsfu
no. 314.
Ibid. Pancke’s reply of 6 June 1944.
81. BAB, NS 19/4003, speech at the Gruppenfu
hrer meeting in Dachau,
8 November 1936. See also BDC, SS-O Lorenz, Himmler to Kaltenbrunner,
19 June 1943, in which he tried to get to the bottom of rumours that the
daughters of Obergruppenfu
hrer Lorenz behaved ‘with little decorum in the
Red Cross’; the younger daughter in particular had been transferred several
times ‘because everywhere she got too involved with the soldiers [ . . . ] I must
gain a clear and unequivocal view of this matter’.
endnotes 843