gators conducted extensive experiments to form a more appropriate instability parameter
Several new models-the analytical model [43-451 and the unsteady model
15, I6,46,47]-
have been proposed. A few researchers [48-501 refined the quasi-static model. A mechanism
called the velocity mechanism was suggested by Blevins [8]. Many reviews [3,6,14] and the
state of the
[6] have been presented. However, most of the researchers proposed a stability
criterion similar to the Connors stability equation form. In the following sections, various
instability models are discussed briefly. Subsequently the design guidelines and acceptance
criteria are presented. Wherever these criteria are common with TEMA and ASME Code, this
is specified.
4.4 Analytical Model
The analytical model was proposed by Lever and Weaver [43-451. From a series of flow
visualization experiments conducted in air flow to investigate the underlying mechanism re-
sponsible for the fluid elastic instability of tube arrays in crossflow, the authors assumed that
a single elastic tube surrendered by rigid tubes becomes independently unstable; the effect of
neighboring tubes is primarily to define the flow field unique to each array pattern. The model
is known as tube-in-channel model.
Prior to 1980, the mechanism thought to cause FE1 was a displacement mechanism and the
dominant force causing instability was referred as fluid elastic stiffness force. From the un-
steady fluid dynamic forces of Tanaka and Takkhara [46,47] and refs. 15, 16, and 51-53, it is
known that the instability is caused not only by a displacement mechanism but also by an
additional mechanism called the velocity mechanism. This instability model is called the un-
steady model. The existence of velocity mechanism was demonstrated analytically and verified
experimentally by Chen et al. [54,55]. In this model, the fluid elastic instability is caused by
the following mechanisms:
which occurs at relatively high flow velocities. The instability
called displacement mechanism.
Fluid damping type instability occurring at low flow velocities. The instability mechanism
is called velocity mechanism.
In most cases, either the velocity mechanism or the displacement mechanism or a combination
of both will be dominant. The displacement mechanism and velocity mechanism are discussed
in detail
and 55. They are briefly explained next.
Displacement Mechanism
According to this mechanism, the instability is due to fluid elastic force, which is proportional
to the displacement of tubes. This mechanism is dominant for high values of reduced flow
velocity corresponding to gas flows. The instability criterion is given by
is a function of fluid elastic stiffness coefficients.
Velocity Mechanism
According to this mechanism, the dominant fluid force is a flow-velocity-dependent damping
force that is proportional to the velocity of the tubes. At low reduced velocity, the fluid damp-