6.3 Newton–Cotes formulas
The most widely used numerical quadrature schemes are the Newton–C otes rules.
The Newton–Cotes formulas are obtained by replacing the integrand function with a
polynomial function that interpolates between specific known values of the inte-
grand. For example, the midpoint rule (which was introduced in Section 6.1)usesa
zero-degree polynomial to represent the integrand function. Because the interpola-
ting function is a constant value within the interval, the function value needs to be
specified at only one node. The location of the node is at the midpoint of the interval
(and not at the interval endpoints ). Therefore, the midpoint rule is a Newton–
Cotes open integration rule. To improve accuracy of the midpoint method, a piece-
wise constant function can be used to approximate the integrand function.
The entire interval is divided into a number of subintervals and the midpoint rule,
i.e. fxðÞ¼fx
ðÞfor x 2 x
; x
½, is applied to each subinterval. This is called the
composite midpoint rule, which was illustrated in Figure 6.2. The formula for this rule
is given by Equation (6.2). The integration rules that we discuss in this section are
closed integration formulas, i.e. the nodes used to construct the interpolating poly-
nomial (nodes at which the function values are specified) include both endpoints of
the interval of integration.
A first-degree polynomial (n = 1), i.e. a straight line, can be used to interpolate the
two data points that lie at the ends of the interval. Since only two data points are
required to define a line, and both these points are located at the ends of the interval,
this scheme is a closed form of numerical integration. The straight line approximates
the integrand function over the entire interval. Alternatively, the function can be
represented by a series of straight lines applie d piecewise over the n subintervals.
Numerical integration using linear interpolation or piecewise linear interpolation of
the data generates the trapezoidal rule.
If a second-degree polynomial (n = 2), i.e. a quadratic function, is used to
interpolate three data points, two of which are located at the endpoints of the
interval and a third point that bisects the first two, then the resulting integration
rule is called Simpson’s 1/3 rule. For n = 3, a cubic polynomial interpolant (that
Figure 6.9
Discontinuity at r =20μm.
19 19.5 20 20.5 21
Piecewise cubic interpolant
True concentration profile
Radial distance, r (μm)
6.3 Newton–Cotes for mulas