Section 6.3 discusses the Newton–Cotes rules of integration, which include popular
methods such as the trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rule, and Simpson’s 3/8 rule.
The composite Newton–Cotes rules approximate the functional form of the inte-
grand with a piecewise polynomial interpolant. The interval is divided into
n subintervals of equal width. The truncation errors associated with the quadrature
algorithms are also derived. A convenient algorithm to impr ove the accuracy of the
trapezoidal rule by several orders of magnitude is Romberg integration, and is
considered in Section 6.4. Gauss–Legendre quadrature is a high accuracy method
of quadrature for integrating functions. The nodes at which the integrand function is
evaluated are the zeros of special orthogonal polynomials called Legendre polyno-
mials. Section 6.5 covers the topic of Gaussian quadrature. Before we discuss some
of the established numerical methods of integration, we start by introducing some
important concepts in polynomial interpolation and specifically the Lagrange
method of interpolation. The latter is used to develop the Newton–Cotes rules for
numerical integration.
6.2 Polynomial interpolation
Many scientific and industrial experiments produce discrete data sets, i.e. tabula-
tions of some measured value of a material or system property that is a function of a
controllable variable (the indepen dent variable). Steam tables, which list the ther-
modynamic properties of steam as a function of temperature and pressure, are an
example of a discrete data set. To obtain steam properties at any temperature T and/
or pressure P intermediate to those listed in the published tables, i.e. at T 6¼ T
, one
must interpolate tabulated values that bracket the desired value. Before we can
perform interpolation, we must define a function that adequately describes the
behavior of the steam property data subset. In other words, to interpolate the data
points, we must first draw a smooth and continuous curve that joins the data points.
Often, a simple method like linear interpolation suffices when the adjacent data
points that bracket the desired data point are close to each other in value.
Interpolation is a technique to estimate the value of a function fðxÞ at some value x, when the only
information available is a discrete data set that tabulates fðx
Þ at several values of x
, such that
a x
b, a
b; and x 6¼ x
Interpolation can be contrasted with extrapolation. The latter describes the process
of predicting the value of a function when x lies outside the interval over which the
measurements have been taken. Extrapolated values are pr edictions made using an
interpolation function and should be regarded with caution.
To perform interpolation, a curve, called an interpolating function, is fitted to the
data such that the function passes through each data point. An interpolating function
(also called an interpolant) is used for curve fitting of data when the data points are
accurately known. If the data are accompanied by a good deal of uncertainty, there is
little merit in forcing the function to pass through each data point. When the data are
error-prone, and there are more data points than undetermined equation parameters
(2) The pore length is sufficiently long to justifiably neglect entrance and exit effects on the velocity
profile and to allow the particle to sample all possible radial positions within the pore.
(3) The electrical potentials are sufficiently small for the Debye–Hu
ckel form of the Poisson–Boltzmann
equation to apply (Smith and Deen, 1983).
6.2 Polynomial interpolation