the critical philosophy of kant
Modern logicians, like Abelard in the twelfth century, rephrase statements of
existence so that ‘is’ does not even look like a predicate. ‘God exists’ is formulated
as ‘Something is God’. This clarifies, but does not settle, the issues surrounding
the ontological argument. For the problems about arguing from possibility to
actuality return as questions about what counts as ‘something’: are we including
in our consideration possible as well as actual objects?
Kant’s principal point remains, and it is similar to a point we have seen made
by Hume. ‘By however many predicates we may think a thing – even if we com-
pletely determine it – we do not make the least addition to the thing when we
further declare that this thing is. Otherwise, it would not be exactly the same
thing that exists, but something more than we had thought in the concept; and
we could not, therefore, say that the exact object of my concept exists.’ In other
words, whether there is something in reality corresponding to my concept cannot
itself be part of my concept. A concept has to be determined prior to being
compared to reality, otherwise we would not know which concept was being
compared and found to correspond, or not correspond, to reality. That there is a
God cannot be part of what we mean by ‘God’; hence ‘There is a God’ cannot be
an analyic proposition, and the ontological argument must fail.
Kant was wrong to think that the failure of the ontological argument implied
that all arguments for the existence of God collapsed. What his criticism does
show is that there is an incoherence in the notion of a being whose essence
implies its existence. But a cosmological argument need not purport to show the
existence of such a being, but only of one which is uncaused, unchanging, and
everlasting, in contrast to the caused, variable, and contingent items in the world
of experience.
Kant in fact has a criticism of the cosmological argument which is independ-
ent of his rebuttal of the ontological argument. All forms of the cosmological
argument seek to show that a series of contingent causes, however long, can be
completed only by a necessary cause. But we are faced with a dilemma if we ask
whether the necessary cause is, or is not, part of the chain of causes.
If it is part of the chain, then we can raise in its case, as in the case of the other
members of the chain, the question why it exists. But we cannot imagine a
supreme being saying to itself ‘I am from eternity to eternity, and outside me
there is nothing save what is through my will, but whence then am I?’ On the
other hand, if the necessary being is not part of the chain of causation, how can
it be its first member and account for all the other links which end with the
existence of myself ?
The argument for God’s existence which is most gently treated by Kant is the
physico-theological proof; it must always, he said, be mentioned with respect. His
aim is not to diminish its authority, but to limit the scope of its conclusion. The
proof argues that everywhere in the world we find signs of order, in accordance
with a determinate purpose, carried out with great wisdom. This order is alien to
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