to show the reader what topics have interested philosophers and what methods
they have used to address them. By themselves, summaries of philosophical doc-
trines are of little use: a reader is cheated if merely told a philosopher’s conclu-
sions without an indication of the methods by which they were reached. For this
reason I do my best to present, and criticize, the reasoning used by philosophers
in support of their theses. I mean no disrespect by engaging thus in argument with
the great minds of the past. That is the way to take a philosopher seriously: not to
parrot his text, but to battle with it, and learn from its strengths and weaknesses.
Philosophy is simultaneously the most exciting and the most frustrating of
subjects. Philosophy is exciting because it is the broadest of all disciplines, exploring
the basic concepts which run through all our talking and thinking on any topic
whatever. Moreover, it can be undertaken without any special preliminary training
or instruction; anyone can do philosophy who is willing to think hard and follow
a line of reasoning. But philosophy is also frustrating, because, unlike scientific or
historical disciplines, it gives no new information about nature or society. Philo-
sophy aims to provide not knowledge, but understanding; and its history shows how
difficult it has been, even for the very greatest minds, to develop a complete and
coherent vision. It can be said without exaggeration that no human being has yet
succeeded in reaching a complete and coherent understanding even of the language
we use to think our simplest thoughts. It is no accident that the man whom many
regard as the founder of philosophy as a self-conscious discipline, Socrates, claimed
that the only wisdom he possessed was his knowledge of his own ignorance.
Philosophy is neither science nor religion, though historically it has been en-
twined with both. I have tried to bring out how in many areas philosophical
thought grew out of religious reflection and grew into empirical science. Many
issues which were treated by great past philosophers would nowadays no longer
count as philosophical. Accordingly, I have concentrated on those areas of their
endeavour which would still be regarded as philosophical today, such as ethics,
metaphysics, and the philosophy of mind.
Like Russell I have made a personal choice of the philosophers to include in
the history, and the length of time to be devoted to each. I have not, however,
departed as much as Russell did from the proportions commonly accepted in the
philosophical canon. Like him, I have included discussions of non-philosophers
who have influenced philosophical thinking; that is why Darwin and Freud appear
on my list of subjects. I have devoted considerable space to ancient and medieval
philosophy, though not as much as Russell, who at the mid-point of his book had
not got further than Alcuin and Charlemagne. I have ended the story at the time
of the Second World War, and I have not attempted to cover twentieth-century
continental philosophy.
Again like Russell, I have sketched in the social, historical, and religious back-
ground to the lives of the philosophers, at greater length when treating of remote
periods and very briefly as we approach modern times.
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