the critical philosophy of kant
between concepts and judgement. A concept is in fact nothing other than a
power to make judgements of certain kinds. (To possess the concept metal, for
instance, is to have the power to make judgements expressible by sentences
containing the word ‘metal’ or its equivalent.) The different possible types of
concept are therefore to be determined by setting out the different possible types
of judgement.
Kant took over from contemporary logicians distinctions between different
kinds of judgement. He classes judgements as universal (‘Every man is mortal’),
particular (‘Some men are mortal’), or singular (‘Socrates is mortal’). Again, he
classifies them as affirmative (‘The soul is mortal’), negative (‘The soul is not
mortal’), and infinite (‘The soul is non-mortal’). Finally, he divides judgements
into the three classes of categorical (‘There is a perfect justice’), or hypothetical
(‘If there is a perfect justice, the obstinately wicked are punished’), or disjunctive
(‘The world exists either through blind chance, or through inner necessity, or
through an external cause’).
Kant claims to derive from these familiar classifications of judgements a new
and fundamental classification of concepts. For instance, he relates categorical
judgements to the category of substance, hypothetical judgements to the cat-
egory of cause, and disjunctive judgements to the category of interaction. It
would be difficult, and unrewarding, to try to follow the detailed steps of this
derivation; it is more important to interpret the thesis that a concept is essentially
a power of judgement.
Commentators have suggested various analogies for the role which Kant attrib-
uted to the categories. Some have suggested that if we compare language to a
board game in which pieces are moved, then the categories are a listing of the
ultimate possible moves available (forward, backward, sideways, diagonally, etc.).
Alternatively, if we think of language as a tool for coping with the world, we
might think of the list of categories as similar to the specification of an all-purpose
tool (it must be able to cut, drill, polish and so on).
Leaving metaphor aside, we may ask whether Kant is right that there are some
concepts which are indispensable if anything is to count as the operation of
understanding. We might put the question in a linguistic form: are there any
concepts indispensable for a fully-fledged language? The answer seems to be that
any language-users – however alien to us – need to have a concept of negation,
and the ability to use quantifiers such as ‘all’ and ‘some’. If they are to be rational
language-users they will also need the ability to draw conclusions from premises,
which is expressed in the mastery of words like ‘if’, ‘then’, and ‘therefore’. Kant
was correct to link concepts with judgements, and to see that certain concepts
must be fundamental to all understanding, whether or not he was well inspired
when he drew up his own particular list.
If we accept that there must be a nucleus of indispensable categories, there
remains the crucial question where this comes from, and how we acquire our
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