german idealism and materialism
doing so. They do so to greatest effect when a State is so organized that the
private interests of the citizens coincide with the common interest of the State. In
respect of world history, states and peoples themselves count as individuals; but
there are also some unique figures who have a special role in Spirit’s expression of
itself: world-historical individuals such as Julius Caesar or Napoleon, whose own
particular aims express the will of the World-Spirit, and who see the aspects of
history which are ripe for development in their time.
These great men, however, are the exception, and the normal development of
the World-Spirit is through the spirit of particular peoples or nations, the Volksgeist.
This spirit manifests itself in a people’s social and political institutions, cul-
ture, religion, and philosophy. Nations are not necessarily identical with States –
indeed, it was the great task of nineteenth-century German nationalism to turn
the German Nation into a German Reich – but only in a State does a nation
become self-conscious of itself as a nation.
The creation of the State is indeed the high object for which the World-Spirit
has been using individuals and peoples as its instruments. The State ‘is the realiza-
tion of Freedom, i.e. of the absolute final aim, and it exists for its own sake’. All
the worth, all the spiritual reality which the individual human being possesses, he
possesses only through the state. For only in participating in social and political
life is he fully conscious of his own rationality, and of himself as a manifestation,
through the Folk-Spirit, of the World-Spirit. The State, Hegel says, is the Divine
Idea as it exists on earth.
It is the interplay between Folk-Spirits which constitutes the history of the World-
Spirit and enables it to realize its destiny. In different epochs, different Folk-Spirits
are the primary manifestation of the progress of the World-Spirit. The people
to which it belongs will be, for one epoch, the dominant people in the world
history. For each nation, the hour strikes once and only once. In Hegel’s time the
hour had struck for the German nation. Whereas the English can say ‘we are the
men who navigate the ocean, and have the commerce of the world’, the German
can say ‘The German spirit is the spirit of the new world. Its aim is the realization
of absolute Truth as the unlimited self-determination of freedom’.
German history is divided into three periods: the period up to Charlemagne,
which Hegel calls the Kingdom of the Father; the period from Charlemagne to
the Reformation, the Kingdom of the Son; and finally the Kingdom of the Holy
Ghost, from the Reformation up to and including the Prussian monarchy. Though
Prussia is almost the realization of the ideal, it is not to be the last word of the
World-Spirit. One might expect, given the preference which Hegel commonly
shows for wholes over their parts, that nation-states would eventually give way to
a world state. But Hegel disliked the idea of a world state, because it would take
away the opportunity for war, which he thought had a positive value of its own
as a reminder of the transitory nature of finite existence. Instead, the future of
the world lies in America ‘where, in the ages that lie before us, the burden of
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