the enlightenment
secretary to the French ambassador in Venice in 1743; having quarrelled with
him he went to Paris and met Voltaire and Diderot. In 1745 he began a lifelong
relationship with a servant girl, and had by her five children whom he dumped,
one after the other, in a foundling hospital. He achieved fame in 1750 by pub-
lishing a prize-winning essay in which he argued, to the horror of the Encyclo-
paedists, that the arts and sciences had a baneful effect on mankind. This was
followed up, four years later, by a ‘Discourse on Inequality’, which argued that
man was naturally good, and corrupted by institutions. The two works held up
the ideal of the ‘noble savage’ whose simple goodness put civilized man to shame.
In 1754 Rousseau returned to Geneva and became Protestant once more.
After a bitter quarrel with Voltaire, he returned to France and wrote a novel,
La Nouvelle Héloïse, a treatise on education, Emile, and a major work of polit-
ical philosophy, The Social Contract. As a result of the inflammatory doctrines
of these works, he had to flee to Switzerland in 1762 but he was driven out of
Geneva also. In 1776 he was given sanctuary in England by David Hume, who
secured him a pension from King George III. But soon his paranoid ingratitude
became too much even for Hume’s patience, and he returned to France in spite
of the risk of arrest. In his last years he was poor and vilified, and when he died
in 1778 some thought that he had killed himself.
The Social Contract is very readable, as befits a work by a philosopher who was
also a best-selling novelist. Its first words are memorable, though misleading.
‘Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. Many a man believes himself to
be the master of others who is, no less than they, a slave.’ Readers of Rousseau’s
previous works assume that the chains are those of social institutions. Shall we
reject the social order then? No, we are told, it is a sacred right which is the basis
of all other rights. Social institutions, Rousseau now thinks, liberate rather than
Like Hobbes, Rousseau believes that society originates when life in the original
state of nature becomes intolerable. A social contract is drawn up to ensure that
the whole strength of the community is enlisted for the protection of each
member’s person and property. Every member has to alienate all his rights to the
community and give up any claim against it. But how can this be done in such a
way that each man, united to his fellows, remains as free as he was before?
The solution is to be found in the theory of the general will. The social
contract creates a moral and collective body, the State or Sovereign People. Every
individual as a citizen shares in the sovereign’s authority, as a subject owes
obedience to the state’s laws. The sovereign people, having no existence outside
that of the individuals who compose it, can have no interest at variance with
theirs: hence it expresses the general will, and it cannot go wrong in its pursuit
of the public good. An individual’s will may go contrary to the general will, but
he can be constrained by the whole body of his fellow citizens to conform to it
– ‘which is no more than to say that it may be necessary to compel a man to be
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