British force has been available and capable of taking part in a host of mili-
tary actions around the world, from war fighting to peace support opera-
tions and disaster relief, and has allowed the government the luxury of
considering a military option. The fact that British forces maintained a
routine presence in places such as the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf, for
example, made it easy to mount operations, and interoperability with other
nations’ forces – a key element in most modern interventions – has been
facilitated by the practice of exercising with the armed forces of other
countries throughout the world. Good examples are provided by both the
recent Gulf Wars. As soon as Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990, Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher was able to order British warships on either
side of the Indian Ocean, at Penang and Mombasa, to join HMS York in the
Gulf. When Iraq was invaded in 2003, British forces that had remained in
the region were well placed to intervene. The RAF, which had policed the
No Fly Zone since the first Gulf War, had over 1,000 personnel and twenty-
five aircraft already on station in 2003, a pre-existing nucleus around which
a significant build up of British air power could take place.
British forces have been involved in a plethora of humanitarian opera-
tions, often because they happened to be near to hand.
Thus, for
example, when volcanoes erupted on the British island of Montserrat in
1997, the Royal Navy’s standing commitment of a West Indies guardship
meant that forces were instantly available to help with evacuations from
those parts of the island rendered uninhabitable. Similarly, in 2005, HMS
Chatham and RFA Diligence were on hand to provide aid in the wake of the
tsunami disaster, whilst HMS Scott, a hydrological survey vessel operating
in the Indian Ocean, provided graphic evidence of the tsunami’s effects
on the ocean bed.
British forces have frequently been involved in
humanitarian operations around the world (in addition to peace support
and peacekeeping operations). In the thirty years after the withdrawal
from East of Suez, the RAF, for example, sent units to East Pakistan
(1970), Nicaragua (1972), Nepal (1973), Mali (1973), Ethiopia (1984),
Chile (1991), Turkey (1992), the Caribbean (1992), Somalia (1993),
Holland (1995), Montserrat (1995), Cyprus (1995 and 1998) and Mozam-
bique (2002).
Another cause of Britain’s continuing military engagement with the
wider world has been its strong links with former colonies, often lasting
long after the transfer of power. The end of empire, far from severing mil-
itary links with overseas territories as might reasonably have been
expected, could actually be the cause of military operations and new
defence commitments. This could come in the form of a military inter-
vention to support a fledgling former colony entering the uncertain world
of independent nationhood either to suppress an internal rebellion (for
example, Kenya, Mauritius, New Hebrides, Oman, Tanzania, Uganda) or
to repulse a foreign takeover (Belize, Kuwait, Malaysia); it could come in
the form of defence treaties granting British forces the use of bases or
Imperial defence in the post-imperial era 321