white, including Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and colonial forces
drawn into the main struggle on the Western Front. The year 1916 pushed
the Empire over the edge into total war. Dominion reactions signalled
both how much and how little this escalation affected imperial defence.
On the one hand, men flocked to the colours. By the end of 1916, Canada,
Australia and New Zealand maintained ten infantry divisions, a quarter of
the strength of the British forces on the Western Front. On the other hand,
each indicated their intention to participate on their own terms. The Aus-
tralian people supported the Australian Imperial Force (AIF), but in two
national referenda rejected conscription for overseas service. Borden
finally sacked Sam Hughes and took steps to professionalize Canada’s mili-
tary direction, but the strain of battle increased domestic political pressure
to introduce conscription. Borden decided to grasp that nettle, to meet
what he regarded as a pledge of honour to the army in the field. In return,
he made it clear Canada could only face the debate this must provoke if its
voice was clearly being heard in running the war.
The decisive breakthrough came in London in December when Lloyd
George ousted Asquith. The ‘Welsh Wizard’ formed a coalition govern-
ment dedicated to prosecuting total war. He made two other moves of
lasting importance. First, he established a permanent Cabinet Secretariat
to bring more order and system into not only directing the war, but also
governing Britain and its Empire. Second, he invited the Dominion prime
ministers to come to London to consult with his new government on how
to prosecute the war. Borden seized the invitation, and opportunity, with
both hands, crossing the Atlantic again in February 1917. After visiting his
army in the field, the Canadian prime minister returned to London more
determined than ever to parlay the massive effort his army and nation
were making into a real voice in directing the war. This was only
underlining an established policy: Canada could only wage total war if its
voice were heard. But this time, he received a very different reception.
Lloyd George was as dedicated as Borden to total war. The jarring changes
he made in British administration, and the coalition he formed with
Conservative politicians and imperial constructionists such as Bonar Law
and Milner, were definitive repudiations of ‘business as usual’ liberalism.
But the escalation of the war not only brought him to power, but it also
made him a supplicant. The problem was the bloody stalemate on the
Western Front. American pressure for a compromise peace needed to be
resisted, and British Empire forces needed many more men and a lot
more munitions. To meet those challenges, the new British government
needed full Dominion support. This time the Canadian prime minister
saw eye to eye with his British counterpart, who made sure he was briefed
in full on British war direction and grand strategy. By the time the formal
Cabinet meetings began on 20 March, Lloyd George and Borden set the
agenda by agreeing that the Empire must fight total war to total victory
and pay any price necessary to win that victory.
Coalition of the usually willing 285