63 Davis and Huttenback, Mammon and the Pursuit of Empire, 161; Judd and Slinn,
The Evolution of the Modern Commonwealth, 5.
64 Gordon, The Dominion Partnership in Imperial Defense 1870–1914, 281–93;
Lambert, ‘Economy or Empire’? 74–5.
65 Stacey, Canada and the Age of Conflict, vol. 1, 153–68; Mansergh, The Common-
wealth Experience, 156; Hadley and Sarty, Tin Pots and Pirate Ships, 41; Preston,
Canada and Imperial Defense, 447.
66 Steven, The Royal Australian Navy, 24–7; Barclay, The Empire Is Marching, 55–7,
Judd and Slinn, The Evolution of the Modern Commonwealth, 15; Thompson, Imper-
ial Britain, 118, 122.
67 Harris, Canadian Brass, ch. 5, makes important points about the progress and
pitfalls of functional integration in Canada under Sam Hughes as minister of
militia; Haldane, An Autobiography, 225–40; Mansergh, The Commonwealth
Experience, 165; Hadley and Sarty, Tin Pots and Pirate Ships, 37–8; Preston,
Canada and Imperial Defense, 452–61.
68 Mansergh, The Commonwealth Experience, 21; Judd and Slinn, The Evolution of the
Modern Commonwealth, 39–40; J. Darwin, ‘A Third British Empire? The Domin-
ion Idea in Imperial Politics’, in J.M. Brown and W.R. Louis (eds), The Oxford
History of the British Empire: Vol. IV: The Twentieth Century (Oxford, 1999), 66–7;
Porter, Britain, Europe and the World, 79, and The Lion’s Share, 228.
69 Mansergh, The Commonwealth Experience, 21; R. Holland, ‘The British Empire
and the Great War’, in Brown and Louis (eds), The Oxford History of the British
Empire, 118; Porter, Britain, Europe and the World, 70; M. Beloff, Imperial Sunset,
Vol. 1: Britain’s Liberal Empire 1897–1921 (Basingstoke, 1987, 1969), 178–82; J.
Kendle, The Round Table Movement and Imperial Union (Toronto, 1975).
70 Stacey, Canada and the Age of Conflict, vol. 1, 173–6; R.C. Brown, Robert Laird
Borden: A Biography (Toronto, 1975), 8–9.
71 Brown, Robert Laird Borden, 22.
72 Brown, Robert Laird Borden, 5; Stacey, Canada and the Age of Conflict, vol. 1,
177–79; Harris, Canadian Brass, ch. 6.
73 R. Jenkins, Asquith (London, 1986 [1964]), ch. xxii; Grey, A Military History of
Australia, 88–95; King, The Penguin History of New Zealand, 296–300. Robin
Prior’s essay ‘Gallipoli’, in J. Beaumont (ed.), Australian Defence: Sources and
Statistics, Australian Centenary History of Defence Vol. VI (Melbourne, 2001),
264–70, typifies the great value of this volume for research on all aspects of the
Australian role in imperial defence. Such volumes are sorely needed for the
other national experiences.
74 Mansergh, The Commonwealth Experience 171–2; Brown, Robert Laird Borden, 27–34;
Stacey, Canada and the Age of Conflict, vol. 1, 183–94. Borden’s anger was all the
more poignant given Law’s own background, born and raised in New Brunswick.
75 Harris, Canadian Brass, ch. 6; Stacey, Canada and the Age of Conflict, vol. 1,
76 Holland, ‘The British Empire and the Great War’, 127–8; Brown, Robert Laird
Borden, 58–63; Grey, A Military History of Australia, 108–11; Harris, Canadian
Brass, 118–21.
77 Jenkins, Asquith, chs xxv–xxvii; Brown, Robert Laird Borden, 70, 75; Grey, A Mili-
tary History of Australia, 109–10; Stacey, Canada and the Age of Conflict, vol. 1,
203–6; Hankey, Diplomacy by Conference, 55–58.
78 Stacey, Canada and the Age of Conflict, vol. 1, 203–11; Brown, Robert Laird Borden,
85; I.M. Cumpston, The Evolution of the Commonwealth of Nations 1900–1980
(Canberra, 1997), 4–5.
79 Cumpston, The Evolution of the Commonwealth, 4–5; Brown, Robert Laird Borden,
81; Stacey, Canada and the Age of Conflict, vol. 1, 213–16; Mansergh, The Com-
monwealth Experience, 26; Hadley and Sarty, Tin Pots and Pirate Ships, part 3.
300 B.P. Farrell