concerned about its defence. But they would all respond according to
their own interests as they saw them.
When protracted war prompted the British to use extreme methods,
such as the notorious ‘concentration camps’, public opinion in the UK
divided bitterly. The colonies were all affected by this and by the increas-
ingly dangerous tone of world politics. New Zealand was not, contrary to
conventional opinion, unanimously ‘loyal’ in its first overseas war. But criti-
cism was diverse and ineffective. The first contingent sailed in October
1899, and some 6,000 New Zealanders served in all, fighting for ‘One Flag,
One Queen, One Tongue and One Country – Britain’. Prime Minister
Richard Seddon orchestrated a broad consensus: New Zealand’s interest
was to help preserve a strong Britain committed to imperial engagement.
The Kiwis opted to stand aside from the resolution of the long federation
debate in Australia, choosing to make their own way within the Empire in
direct partnership with the British.
Australian criticisms of the war were
not much stronger. Some 16,000 Australians eventually served and many
more could have, such was the support for ‘the British cause’. But they
returned to a new country. Federation negotiations produced a Common-
wealth of Australia, uniting the continent in a new Dominion on the first
day of the twentieth century. This second Dominion demonstrated during
the war that while the British could rely on it for military support, it was
even more willing now to criticize British direction of imperial defence. Mil-
itary engagement produced in Australia and other colonies a growing sense
of identity and pride. This was not always positive. Ideal images of country-
bred ‘born soldiers’, tall, fit, at home in the saddle and in the field were
contrasted with stereotypes of English regulars stunted by unhealthy living
in urban slums. Many British officers responded by denigrating the discip-
line of colonial soldiers and competence of their officers – and they were
not always wrong, nor always condescending. The colonial contribution
was on the whole beneficial to all parties, but produced its own frictions
and legends. Chamberlain supported the Australian federation. But he did
so because he concluded it could be a step towards larger integration, not
just because it would be counterproductive to oppose it.
Chamberlain decided to use the imperial solidarity fostered by the war to
try again to strengthen the bonds. A ‘soft’ peace settlement in 1902 laid the
ground for smoother absorption of southern Africa into the Empire and trig-
gered another colonial conference. There, Chamberlain ran into govern-
ments both buoyed and bruised by the experience of going to war to defend
the Empire – which made them even more ready to assert their own views on
how that should be done. Canada’s war experience prompted Laurier to
take the lead this time. Strategic arguments would never persuade the
colonies to place their forces permanently at British disposal. The Empire
must defend itself by agreement as and when necessary, not by integration
and central control. Some 8,300 Canadians served in southern Africa, but
their story spoke volumes about the limits to Canada’s commitment. As war
Coalition of the usually willing 267