The colonial empire and imperial defence 249
Social Implications of Colonial Military Service in the King’s African Rifles,
1902–1964 (Oxford, 1999).
9 See Barry Morton, ‘Linchwe I and the Kgatla Campaign in the South African
War, 1899–1902’, Journal of African History, 26(1985): 169–91.
10 See Brian Dyde, The Empty Sleeve: The Story of The West India Regiments of the
British Army (St John’s, Antigua, 1997), and Richard Smith, Jamaican Volunteers
in the First World War: Race, Masculinity, and the Development of National Conscious-
ness (Manchester, 2004).
11 Good coverage of some of these imperial formations is to be found in James
Lunt, Imperial Sunset: Frontier Soldiering in the Twentieth Century (London, 1981).
12 David Killingray and David Omissi (eds), Guardians of Empire: The Armed Forces
of the Colonial Powers, c.1700–1964 (Manchester, 1999).
13 The major work on the colonial empire and the First World War remains
Charles Lucas (ed.), The Empire at War, five volumes (London, 1924). The colo-
nial empire was not to be privileged after the Second World War with a similar
official history, the prepared volume remaining in the archives; The National
Archives, Kew. DO 4138. Sir John Shuckburgh, ‘Civil History of the Colonial
Empire at War’ (1949).
14 See Ashley Jackson, War and Empire in Mauritius and the Indian Ocean
(Basingstoke, 2001).
15 In the Western Desert, the Eighth Army was supported by about 100,000 colo-
nial troops serving in the Royal Pioneer Corps.
16 See, for example, Michael Summerskill, China on the Western Front: Britain’s
Chinese Work Force in the First World War (London, 1982); Robin Kilson, ‘Calling
up the Empire: The British Military Use of Non-White Labour in France,
1916–1920’, PhD Thesis (Harvard University, 1990); Geoffrey Hodges, The
Carrier Corps: Military Labour in the East African Campaign, 1914–1918 (New York,
1966); and Brian Willan, ‘The South African Native Labour Contingent,
1916–1918’, Journal of African History, 19(1978): 34–49.
17 Fred Rowe, ‘Royal Navy Shore Bases U.K. and Overseas Stations’, www., found on 13 July 2005.
18 See Gregory Haines, Gunboats on the Great River (London, 1976). Information
in this section has been taken from ‘HMS Falcon: Royal Navy Gunboats in
China and the Far East’,, found on 3 June 2005.
19 See Hamish Ion, ‘The Idea of Naval Imperialism: The China Squadron and the
Boxer Uprising’, in Greg Kennedy (ed.), British Naval Strategy East of Suez,
1900–2000 (London, 2005), 35–61. The Legation Guard was composed of
Royal Marines.
20 See Martin Brice, The Royal Navy and the Sino-Japanese Incident, 1937–1941
(London, 1973).
21 To some people, any failure to secure a colony for the British Crown was a
betrayal of imperial interests, allowing Madagascar to go to the French-threat-
ened command of the Indian Ocean, and the Australians and South Africans
never got over the fact that London allowed Germany to secure colonies in their
own backyards, the reason why they were so quick off the mark to claim these
territories when war came in 1914.
22 Ronald Hyam, Britain’s Imperial Century, 1815–1914: A Study of Empire and
Expansion (Basingstoke, 1993), 16.
23 See Douglas Austin, Malta and British Strategic Policy, 1925–1943 (London,
24 It has been argued elsewhere that non-European ex-servicemen tended to form
a conservative, pro-British element within colonial society.
25 The best empire-wide account is Kent Fedorowich, Unfit for Heroes: Reconstruc-
tion and Soldier Settlement in the Empire Between the Wars (Manchester, 1995).