216 A.H. Ion
the protection of Christian work, as in Nyasaland) and Christian sensitiv-
ities were not allowed to interfere. What the missionary movement did
provide through its evangelistic, educational, medical and social work
was reinforcement for the efficacy of British civilization and institutions
in the minds of colonial peoples, and in doing so, it enhanced the
imperial power through soft power. At the same time, Christian missions
can also be seen as contributing to the growth of nationalism among
colonial peoples, which was not necessarily in the interest of Britain as
the imperial overlord. If decolonization meant that the predominantly
Muslim regiments in the British imperial forces in Africa and India dis-
appeared, the retrenchment of the British Army has also meant that the
Cameroonians and so many other regiments raised in England and Scot-
land in times when Christianity was an important force in national life
have also gone. The religious tapestry of the overseas Empire helped
weave the protective shroud of imperial defence in the 100 years
between the Indian Mutiny and Suez on which British trade, prestige
and power was sustained. Its wool and woof also made the military saga
of Empire that more colourful, adventurous and inspiring.
1 Max Warren, Social History and Christian Mission (London, 1967), 72.
2 See Ian Hernon, Britain’s Forgotten Wars: Colonial Campaigns of the 19th Century
(Thrupp, 2003), 405–424.
3 Ronald Hyam, Britain’s Imperial Century, 1815–1914: A Study of Empire and
Expansion (Basingstoke, 3rd. edition, 2002), 330–331.
4 James Lunt, Imperial Sunset: Frontier Soldiering in the 20th Century (London,
1981), 205.
5 Eric Goddard, ‘The Indian Army – Company and Raj’, Asian Affairs, 63 (New
Series Vol. VII), Part III (October 1976): 263–276, 263.
6 Gordon Johnson, ‘Indian Independence (1) Taking the strain, (2) Cutting the
knot’, Asian Affairs, XVI (Old Series Vol. 72), Part III (October 1985): 254–264,
7 James Lawrence, Raj: The Making and the Unmaking of British India (London,
1997), 540, quoted in Sean M. Maloney, Canada and UN Peacekeeping: Cold War
by Other Means, 1945–1970 (St Catherines, 2003), 23.
8 J. R. Seeley, The Expansion of England, edited and with an introduction by John
Gross (Chicago and London, 1971), 43.
9 Rudyard Kipling, ‘The Eathen’, quoted in Angela Partington, The Oxford
Dictionary of Quotations (Oxford, 1992), 398.
10 See, for instance, Norman Etherington, ‘Missions and Empire’, in Robin W.
Winks, ed., The Oxford History of the British Empire. Volume V: Historiography
(Oxford, 2001), 303–314.
11 The other elements being: first, the maintenance of the Empire; second, the
opening of new areas for our surplus population; third, the suppression of the
slave trade, and fifth, the development of British commerce.
12 Warren, Social History and Christian Mission, 30.
13 Captain Colomb, R. N., Slave-Catching in the Indian Ocean: A Record of Naval
Experiences (London, 1968, originally published in 1873), 403.
14 Henry H. Montgomery, Foreign Missions (London, 1908), 83.