institutions like leprosia and garden homes for tuberculosis sufferers. As
civilization was equated in the nineteenth century with European civil-
ization, it also meant that missionaries also attempted to inculcate Western
manners and behaviour into potential converts. The opportunities of
obtaining a Western-style education in mission schools attracted many
Africans and Asians who might, otherwise, have chosen to have no contact
with missionaries. The influence of Christian social thought has been
evident in the political ideas of post-independence African leaders such as
Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia and Julius Nyerere of Tanzania who received
their early education in mission schools,
but as the case of the Chinese
statesman, Zhou Enlai, revealed, attending a mission school does not
necessarily lead to a Christian result. Moreover, mission school education,
because it increased awareness of rights of people in the outside world,
could also serve as the breeding ground for those who might later argue
for political change or even independence. Kwame Nkrumah, the first
President of Ghana, received his early education at a Roman Catholic
school and later taught there. He drew support for the independence of
Ghana from ex-servicemen, journalists, elementary school teachers and lit-
erate people who had some primary school education, that is, people who
had often had a similar early exposure to Christian education. During the
late nineteenth century, for those who lived by the shores of Lake Nyasa on
the Calabar coast or in the hills of the Santal Parganas, the mission school
offered the only place where a Western-style education could be obtained.
Teaching provided missionaries (both male and female) with familiar
work conducted in a controlled atmosphere. An important pioneer
endeavour, which served as a model that others quickly emulated, was
made by Alexander Duff, a Church of Scotland missionary, who estab-
lished in Calcutta in the 1830s a higher education institution in which
English was the language of instruction with the aim of not only produc-
ing an educated Christian population but also of bringing the Christian
Gospel to the Indian intellectual elite who could hardly be reached any
other way.
The missionary educational effort was not solely directed
towards the elite, for it also aimed to encourage literacy among ordinary
people so that they could read the Christian literature, which the British
and Foreign Bible Society helped to make available in a multitude of dif-
ferent languages. Other organizations looked to helping the poor and
deprived throughout the Empire and beyond; the social work of the Salva-
tion Army was extended from the slums of the East End of London to
those of the East End of Tokyo with few slums left untouched along the
imperial trade routes in-between. This modernizing strategy on the part of
missions was rooted in the belief that Western culture was superior to all
others and that European economic, social, and political organizations
should be taken as standards of civilization.
Some doubt, albeit largely fleeting, was cast outside of the missionary
world, however, about the assumption that subject races had the potential
The empire that prays together stays together 205