often been seen as the legislative beginning of real partnership in imper-
ial defence. But the act’s sponsors intended to save Britain a good deal of
money by delegating responsibility, while the Admiralty opposed the
whole idea on strategic grounds. In some Australian colonies, the act did
promote ideas of local defence, but in the Canadian colonies proximity
to the UK, plus treaty arrangements that neutralized the Great Lakes,
produced a milder reaction.
Far more controversial were British
decisions to withdraw army garrisons. In 1864, ten regiments were
engaged in New Zealand, whose government then requested a loan guar-
antee of £3 million. The British reaction was to withdraw nine regiments
by 1867, and the last in 1870, and refuse to guarantee more than £1
million on the market.
This was part of a broader retrenchment aligned
to a change in foreign policy, from the truculence of Lord Palmerston to
the laissez-faire approach of William Ewart Gladstone, who preached
public economy above all else. Gladstone’s secretary of state for war,
Edward Cardwell, did not alter the army’s primary mission: to defend the
overseas Empire as opposed to preparing for great power war in Europe.
But Cardwell and Gladstone did take advantage of new techniques and
ideas to streamline the army overseas. Faster more reliable means of
moving troops and of communicating meant more of the army could be
kept home as a central reserve. The number of overseas garrisons could
be reduced, except in India. But Indian revenues paid for the defence of
India. Failure to work out a similar agreement with the self-governing
colonies after the Mills report left them vulnerable. By 1871, Cardwell’s
‘withdrawal of the legions’ was visibly reducing this most conspicuous of
the ties that bound – nowhere more so than in Canada.
C.P. Stacey, who established military history as a serious academic
discipline in Canada, agreed that the reduction of British garrisons in the
1860s was a turning point in the history of imperial defence. But he
argued a paradox: recalling the legions in fact made imperialism politic-
ally more palatable in Britain.
The British North American experience
suggests he was right. In 1861, responding to the American Civil War,
British reinforcements rushed to the colonies. But by 1871, the only
regular troops remaining were the garrisons of the naval bases in
Esquimalt and Halifax – and they were there to protect the bases, not the
Canadians. For Canadians they now were, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
Ontario and Quebec having merged in Confederation in 1867.
In the crisis of 1861 Canada called out the militia. But in 1862 the legis-
lature, wanting to punish an unpopular government, defeated the Militia
Bill. British official opinion was infuriated by what it saw as the feckless
refusal of a responsible government to assume a proper share in its own
defence. By this time, the British government was spending £900,000 per
year on Canadian defence, but the Canadian answer to British appeals was
that if the cost of protection was going to be so high, ‘the best defence is
no defence at all’. Col. W.F.D. Jervois began his rise to prominence in
Coalition of the usually willing 255